Ancestral-line. Ancestry Races(2).

"Now let's move on to my race, Dwarves. There are only a few who know what dwarves really are. The rest are just assumptions. The name Dwarf means short and that's what most have taken as a reality. Dwarves are short but actually, we are not. We can grow just as tall any other race. From what I know, the ancestor was almost 8 feet tall. The reason for the name, Dwarf, is rather a mystery to all of us. Dwarves are masters of forge and earth but that is just a basic trait of all dwarves. All dwarves have it even though not all choose to be forgers, like me. Apart from that, dwarves could be said to be very powerful. The power is based on the breed of the dwarf. An Earth dwarf would have a 90% chance of awakening the Earth affinity but that's not all. Any where there's earth, their power multiplies by 30% but you must first understand the Earth before. A Noble dwarf gains a 50% power boost from heat in the environment and the Dwarf King, gains a 100% boost from lightning in the atmosphere. This can be considered overpowered but you need to fulfill certain requirements to achieve that. You need to understand the core of those traits related to your breed and that's Earth, Heat and Lightning. Apart from that, dwarves are known to be very wise and they are known to have extremely powerful techniques. Furthermore, the anatomy of a dwarf is very complex because of the power of Cores we wield. The more you use the trait of the power related to your breed, the more your body evolves on it own to accumulate more and temper your body to the very peak. Dwarves can have bodies as tough as some metals in this world.

Dwarves also have an easier time mastering their affinities and can even mutate them with their traits. Imagine water as hard as earth or earth that releases lightning. Think of all the possibilities. That's how powerful dwarves are.

I don't know if you've ever seen a dwarf before but if you aren't careful, you may mistaken a dwarf for a demon. Dwarves have horns which demons also have but that's that. Besides, each dwarf breed has a different colored horn to differentiate them. An Earth dwarf has golden brown horns, a Noble has red and the King has black. To easily differentiate a dwarf from a demon, you must know the shapes of their horns. A dwarf's horn is curved and coiled like a ram's while a demon has different shapes other than that.

Another thing is that, in this era, people are able to hide their racial traits because of the mixed genes and bloodlines. That's why you have to go through a racial evolution but you can also hide it and keep your human form, like how I'm doing. Others are doing same but if it's necessary, they would transform into their racial forms. Obviously, not all races have that cheat code. Races like vampires, felines, and elves can't do that because their forms are perceived as more natural than other races. Demons could be added to the list but they are known to masters of deceptions and illusions so recognizing a demon is very difficult." Madeleine said while her green eyes glowed slightly. 

Her already long hair became messy and bright, her eyes gained a mysterious shine while she became taller but not too tall. Her aura changed from gentle and calm to crazy and wise like a mad sage. Then the final touches; two pores opened on the sides of her forehead from which two flaming red ram horns appeared. They twisted and coiled, almost blending with her hair color. Ethan could only stare at this in shock. So this was a dwarf, a Noble dwarf. He could feel the temperature of the room rising a bit plus an air of nobility around his mom.

Madeleine just chuckled at his dumbfounded expression.

"Surprise! This is a dwarf. Cool right?"

"I'm seeing a god. Mom you are a god!"

"Ethan, I'm not a god. I'm a dwarf. It's nice seeing you like this though. HAHA!"

Ethan still hadn't recovered from his shock so his mom undid her transformation.

"Being able to achieve this takes a lot of effort, especially with the horns as they come with pain and blood anytime you transform, but that is for only beginners. As time goes on and with experience, you would be able to control it and achieve a perfect and painless transformation."



[Racial Unlock: 99%

Sync: 0%]


His progress bar for Racial Unlock had reached the peak and needed a little push. Perhaps, he needed to see a vampire transformation to gain the full package. Putting that aside, he decided to ask his mom if she knew anything about Sync. After all, she was a veteran mage. And he got an answer he wasn't expecting.

"Sync?! You already achieved Sync? My Ethan is a genius. I'm proud."

"Mom? What do you mean?"

"Do you know what you are talking about? I achieved Sync when I was at the peak of the Warrior rank and you are close to getting the package at the peak of Novice. Such a monster."

"I guess... I'm your son after all." Ethan stated with a smug and obvious look making his mom's mouth twitch. Her son had a bit of 'his' traits; narcissism.

"Sync is a special skill for all mages. It allows you to become one with your spirit beast for a certain period time. Within this period, you share a lot of things. Senses, skills, abilities, name it. Anything you have related to your powers, your beast gets it and vice versa. Your abilities are also amplified and if you are lucky, you can achieve enlightenment. That is Sync. But, attaining Sync is very difficult and the number of people with Sync are 10% out of a 100%."

"Huh? Why?"

"It's very simple. Most mages see their spirit beasts as just mere supporting power not partners. They do not trust the bond they have so they cannot achieve Sync. Sync deals with trust, love, respect, anything related to forming a strong bond with your spirit beast."

"I understand." Ethan said with a contemplative look.

"Don't worry about it though. Having a feel of the Sync ability means that your beast truly trusts you and you do the same. In fact, a beast awakener like you shouldn't find it difficult to feel the sensation of Sync but gaining the ability itself is the difficulty. You must become one with your beast. I can't tell you how because one's way to Sync is different from another. You must achieve it on your own. But you must always remember, become one with your beast."

"I understand. Thanks mom. I love you."

Ethan said in elation. The progress for Sync had moved to 2%. At least that was good. Now for the main dish and he must prepare. He spent the next one hour with his mom, talking about his life in school, Clara and Harley and random stuff.