Chapter - 11

Pov - Reve

As the sun starts to go down, I feel the cold air around me. Guards are walking both behind and in front of me, maybe because they're worried I might try to escape. But they don't know I have nowhere to go. The only place I've known is the night weavers, but I can't go back because it might harm them. I'm scared about what will happen next, but I can't show them I'm scared. I've survived until now, and I won't stop until I find all my answers and figure out who I really am.

We've been walking for what seems like 30 minutes, and we've left the forest behind. Now we're walking alongside a river. The water is flowing in the opposite direction of our walk. The sound of water splashing, droplets parting and coming back together—it makes me think about their journey. They're like me, with no place to return to. But they keep moving, exploring different places without stopping, just like they're giving life to my needy existence. Nature is so selfless, determined, beautiful, and relentless.

I accidentally bumped into a guard, and then I realized we've turned onto a bridge. More guards are standing on the edge with the same serious expression. The bridge leads to a big, white castle that turns orange in the sunset. It's so beautiful, and I wonder what secrets it holds in its depths.