Chapter 1: The hideous move


Agbaja got awaked immediately by the loud voice emanating from the forest. He's so tired, he has trekked for two nights and this is the third. only feeding on fruits and water. His leg were filled up with wounds and scratches from woods and grasses which indicate that he has been wandering through the forest for two nights and suns.

Help me! Help!!! Help!!!

The voice kept coming and louder and more endangered and bittered. it's a female voice and the forest is thick enough to harbour a lion or any other dangerous animal, making it so dangerous to dash in immediately without verifying what's the case is. Agbaja thought of what to do and the noise is louder this time and sounds as if it's at the point of death. "Oh damn",He said to himself and raise on his feet.He glared at his goat skin wear he tyed around his waist which is the only fabric covering his nakedness, it's littered with blood. He nodded in despondency. He tried to adjust the leopard skin hanging on his chest down to the back leaving his side ways bare and uncovered. At a moment,he paid attention to see if the noise is still coming but no, it's no longer there. The forest is calm and undisturbed. He blamed himself for not had risen at the very first time but what can he do, he's as helpless as the victim if the noise is really from a victim.

He made for the tree that had shadowed his seat ever since and drew closer to the log of food that he used to seat on. He sat to wonder what his next move will be. At 18, he has seen what an eighty year old man can barely see. In few days,he has witness what a man can witness in a decade. Watching his both parents murdered in cold blood. His mother raped before his own eyes and her screams makes her blood hotter than the oven but what can he do? a beggar with a weapon is stronger than a barehanded king. 

Now, he's left on with sorrows and dismay. No one to say,what shall we eat tonight? No one to ask,how can I do this or do that? No one to say, Agbaja take this and eat. No one to run to even when the oppressor is few inches away. he can only stand on his full shoulder and save his life because no one will say no l, only his mouth can, this time. 

He sat on his on top a log of wood ,back rested on a huge iroko tree besides and his eyes closing gradually,he hasn't slept for two days. whenever he finds a place to rest,he either drags it with a soldier ant,or discovered that it belongs to the chimpanzee and he will be left with no choice than to brace his heels.

The next minutes,his eyes were closed ,and his nose,generating a loud "hroooor". and it continued for two minutes and he fail to the cold hands of sleep and his body rested on the ground finally.

At a point,the noise emanates again,and this time, it's moving. And maybe the victim is running. He opened his eyes and wiped his face with his left hands and sighs. What a troubled life. 

The noise approached nearly and he got his stick ready for defence.He stepped nearer to a part that seems more open to view the whole scenario in the forest yet he sees nothing. He's already used to the forest,he has wandered through it for two days. He felt a shivering on his body,which is usual to him when ever a danger is near. He wondered what it could be that is chasing the girl that owns the voice and this time,he started hearing the foot steps of both the victim and the predator, running. He wanted to move a bit forward and his mind told him to turn and he shivered the more.

"Hwooooooo!!" was's a leopard. 

Agbaja jumped and failed upon a grasses in astonishing. Tears role down his eyes. Though this is not the first time of seeing death facing him closely. The only difference is that he's alone this time