Thursday morning, I woke up with a start because of the dream I had been having. I woke up gasping for air because of what was about to happen in my dream. I had had two dreams during the night, one of the dreams was about my family who I had decided to no look for in this life of mine since if they existed it meant that a version of me existed and therefore everything would just be weird.
The second dream I had was about the man I met yesterday and we were doing some pretty adult stuff just before I woke up because I was about to reach my peak. I breathed heavily as I felt around the part of the bed I slept on incase some fluids came out and fortunately nothing did. Sighing in relief, I got up from the bed and stumbled into the bathroom since I was sleepy as it was only 03:00.
I went and used the loo before returning back to bed to sleep for the remaining 2 hours 30 minutes before I had to wake up. The alarm clock brought me out of my peaceful slumber finally and I sat up on the bed before yawning as I stretched my sleepy body. I rolled out of bed and immediately made the bed before walking towards the bathroom to take care of my needs.
It was 05:30 when I got into the bathroom and 06:15 when I got out but I now had a towel wrapped around my body while picking out an outfit to wear. I decided to wear a pair of black jeans and a pink cardigan along with a pair of high heels. I wore my undies and then put on the outfit before tying my hair into a bun afterwhich I left the hotel room.
I got into the cab and texted with Josh.
Good morning, are you free for lunch? Josh texted me.
Yeah I am. What's up? I replied.
Josh then replied that he wanted to have lunch with me and I accepted before giving him the location of my workplace. I got off the cab and paid the man before heading into the elevator to go to my floor. When I got to my floor I got to my cubicle after saying hi to everyone before I began working.
My phone was on mute so I I didn't see any of the notifications on my phone because I liked putting it on mute while I worked so I don't get distrusted. Finally lunch time came and I got a call from Josh saying he was in front of the building.
"Hey Martha I'm going to grab lunch with someone ill see you guys later." I said to Martha who nodded.
"OK cool see you." I said to her before walking towards the elevator and eventually making my way to the entrance of the building.
"Hello gorgeous! I hope your day is as great as you are." Josh said as I got nearer to him which made the few people that were walking around smile as I blushed lightly.
I smiled as we hugged before he held the door to the car so I could get in.
"So where to?" I asked him as I adjusted the seat belt in the white Mercedes benz that Josh was driving.
Josh then told me the restaurant we were going to but I didn't know it, he promised it was nearby and I would be back to work in time. We soon arrived at the restaurant and Josh held the chair for me as he had done with the door kind of like a chivalrous man which I loved. Him being chivalrous was definitely a plus one in my books and I soon sat down before we ordered our food.
"So Ana, tell me about yourself." Josh said after we were done eating.
I leaned forward as I placed my hands under my chin while looking at him with a light smile.
"Oh, what do you want to know Josh?" I asked him as he looked at me.
"As much as possible really. But I guess I would like to know how your typical day looks like." Josh asked as he looked into my eyes.
I found myself seemingly lost within the depth of his gorgeous baby blue eyes. I smiled lightly before answering.
"Well, I just moved here a few days back so I don't have a typical day right now but before that when I was living in Moscow I used to wake up early in the morning and get ready for work by 05:45, I've been waking up earlier this last week though." I said to him as he listened intently as if hoping I would not stop talking.
"From there it's work until 5 or so then I'll try hang out with friends but I like being home by 7 if it's during the week and 9 if it's the weekend that's if I go out. Most of the time once I get home I just read or watch TV before sleeping. It's pretty boring really. What about you? What's your typical day like?" I continued.
Joshua smiled and nodded.
"Well thats not boring at all actually." Josh said in his deep voice which made me close up my legs which were all facing him under the table.
"It just means you are focused is all." Josh said with a smile and I nodded.
"My typical day is a bit like yours I'd say, I wake up pretty early in the morning usually at the same time during the week and the weekend as well which is around 06:00 then I hit the gym for an hour or two before going to the office for the rest of the day. I'm usually home early unless I have business dinners or events to attend for business." Josh explained his day.
We kept talking as we got to know each other and that's when Josh brought his hand over mine. His hand was far bigger than mine despite the fact that I had long nails. When he held my hand he carresed it a bit as he smiled towards me.
"I really like you Ana, and I would love to get to know you better. Are you interested in going out with me?" Josh asked as he caressed my hand.
I just smiled before answering.
"Yeah I'd love that." I said as I smiled.
"I'd love that very much Josh." I continued as my smile grew wider.
We talked a but more before he paid for the meal and we got to the car before driving me back to work. When we stopped the car I kissed his bearded cheek and smiled lightly before saying goodbye to him. I got back to the office and my phone had a notification for a text message from Josh which read
Thanks for a really great time. I had fun this afternoon. Josh.
I smiled before typing a reply and sending it as I got out of the elevator on my floor. I got to my cubicle and got to work after talking to Martha, Priyanka and Samantha. The day soon drew to a close and I powered down my computer before packing up my stuff to get going.
I bumped into Chuck one of the guys who worked here and we talked as we got into the elevator. I soon got off the elevator and got into a cab to take me back tuo the hotel so I could finally rest since I was pretty tired. I texted Martha, Josh, Samantha, Priyanka, Natlya a friend of mine from Moscow, Kristina another friend from Moscow and a few other people as the cab driver took me to the hotel.
After paying for the cab, I made my way to the elevator before finally arriving to my hotel room where I took my make up off soon after I took off my bra before jumping into the shower. I wasn't hungry at all since I ate during lunch, surprisingly even though I wasn't eating all that much I wasn't losing weight at all. After I finished with my shower I brushed my teeth and then did some yoga stretches before getting into bed with my phone so I could reply to some text messages.
I ended up falling asleep a few hours later with my phone on the charger luckily.