Meeting the family

We got out of the apartment and headed towards the elevator which we got on before exiting the building. Josh led me to a beautiful white lamboguine, I just looked at him and asked him a simple question.

"Explain this for me please?" I asked as he opened the door for me like he always did.

"OK, I'll explain as I drive." He said and I nodded before sitting down in the sports car.

Josh sat in the car and soon fired up the engine with a button before driving into the road.

"So yeah I am actually doing pretty well for myself. I never told you because you didn't seem to care about what I did fora living as long as I was happy and not doing anything bad so that's why I never brought it up." Josh explained to me and I nodded as he drove while his hand rested on my thigh.

"How well?" I asked him and he just simply told me to look him up.

"Just Google my name, Josh Stanzione that's S, t, a, n, z, i, o, n, e." Josh said as he continued driving.

I used Google search in my phone and his profile soon popped up which is when I learnt that he was the CEO of Stanzione International which was an investment company with shares in different companies. I just looked at him as he smiled nervously as I sighed.

"Look, I didn't want to..." He tried explaining but I interjected.

"It's fine Josh, I would probably have been scared off from you if you had told me this from the get go so it's fine." I said to him and he smiled in relief as we continued talking until we got to the mall to buy his nephew Caleb some gifts.

We soon got back into the car and drove to his older sister's house which was an hour or so away from my apartment. After parking the car he held my hand as we walked towards the entrance of the surbuban house. He rang the door bell and a few moments later a mid teenage girl came to open the door.

"Yes?" She asked as she opened the door before her face lit up as she saw Josh.

She jumped and hugged Josh tightly while squealing in excitement.

"Uncle Josh!" She squealed as I watched from the side since Josh had let go of my hand.

"Hey there Jellybean." Josh said as he picked up the blonde teenager.

They shared what looked like a secret handshake before the girl finally turned towards me and immediately looked at my chest before looking at Josh giving him a thumbs up. Josh just grinned as I shook my head while smiling.

"Stella, this is Anastasia." Josh said as he talked to the girl.

She smiled towards me as Josh turned to look at me.

"Anastasia, this is Stella." He said and I smiled towards the girl.

"Nice to meet you Stella." I said in my Russian accent which made Stella smile with an evil glint.

"Oh, aunt Teresa is so going to be pissed off when she sees her and she is going to loose it Ince she starts talking. Good job uncle Josh." Stella said while looking between me and Josh.

"And it's nice to meet you too Ana. Ana can I call you Ana? I'll call you Ana." Stella said as she took my hand.

"I'll take it from here uncle Josh." Stella said as he started walking into the house while dragging me along with her.

Joshua just mouthed an "I'm sorry." while laughing.

We soon got into the living room where a couple of women were sitting and talking while one was breast feeding. They all turned to look at me as Stella dragged me with her.

"Stella dear, who is that?" A lady that looked quite similar to Josh save for the fact that her face was more feminine and she had brown hair not blonde hair.

Stella laughed as she looked at one woman in particular before finally answering.

"This is Anastasia, she came with uncle Josh so I think she is his girlfriend." Stella said with an evil grin which was almost making me laugh.

The ladies within the room looked at me as I nervously waved.

"Hi." I said to them before Josh walked into the room relieving me of the awkwardness.

He hugged my waist as he reached me before he started speaking.

"Hello mother." Josh said towards the woman who had asked Stella who I was.

"Hello sister." He said towards the other woman who looked similar to both Josh and Stella.

"Hello sister." He said to the other person who looked like him before turning to the woman that Stella looked at when she came in with me.

"And hello Vicky." He greet her dryly before smiling towards the three women.

They all smiled back as his mother actually got up to hug him only to slap his face lightly.

"I raised you better than that Josh Stanzione. Now introduce the young lady you have next to you before things get physical." The woman said in a fiery way as everyone in the room chuckled.

I didn't know what to do but Josh chuckled as well while shaking his head.

"Right, sorry mother I was just so excited to see you is all." Josh apologised before looking at me with a loving gaze which was slowly making me melt inside.

"This gorgeous young lady next to me is Anastasia." Josh said as he turned towards his mother before returning his gaze towards me.

"She is my girlfriend." When Josh said this I saw probably the brightest smile ever forming on his mother's face.

The other ladies in the room gasped mostly in surprise before Josh's mother broke the silence.

"Oh finally, I thought you were never going to bring a girl home." She said as she hugged me.

"And you brought home a gorgeous girl too, oh look at her." She continued as I giggled lightly.

"Thank you Mrs Stanzione." I said to her in my Russian accent while smiling before everyone went silent which caused me to panic.

Stella was the one who brought me out of my panic and broke the silence.

"Hahaha, yes. I told you uncle Josh. She'll break them once she starts talking." Stella said as she laughed.

I gave a nervous smile only to find myself being hugged by Josh's mother.

"You can go away now Josh." She dismissed him and he just shook his head before kissing my cheek.

Mrs Stanzione brought me to sit down as she started asking question after question while Josh's sisters did the same. Vicky was just quite and I knew a bitter face when I saw one so I just assumed there was history between her and Josh. Josh had already told me he was married before but he divorced when he was 21 and had two kids who were staying with their mother since she had custody so I assumed Vicky was the ex wife.

"You have a nice accent Ana, where are you from?" Mrs Stanzione asked me.

"Thank you, I'm from Russia. Kaliningrad to be exact." I replied with a smile as I held a cup of water in my hand.

"Wow and how did you meet Josh, the way he looks at you and the way you look at him just speaks of great volumes of love for each other." Josh's sister Alma asked me.

"I met Joshua a few months back soon after I moved to Los Angeles and started working at Oracle." I said with a smile as I blushed lightly.

I am introverted so having this many people to talk to was taking a lot of my energy but I loved it. We talked a bit more until the birthday boy came with Stella to get everyone so they could open their presents. As we walked out I and Josh's eyes met while he was standing with two people that looked similar to him.

One was looked slightly older than him so I assumed it was his older brother and the other one looked like a much older version of him so that was probably his father. He smiled towards me before nudging the two man while nodding towards me, they both looked and the oldest one smiled happily while the other one followed suit. We soon started singing happy birthday for Caleb before we gifted the presents.

After gifting the presents we ate some cake as Josh introduced me to his older brother Ralph and his father. We talked and laughed until it was time for us to go. As Josh drove the car towards my apartment he looked at me before asking me a question.

"Do you want to sleep over at my place?" Josh asked as he looked at me while also staying focused on the road.

"Sure, but I need to have a change of clothes so we still need to go to my place." I replied which made Josh smile brightly.