Flight and Zlata

We got to the airport and I immediately heard Stella's voice calling out from a the left side of the waiting area. I turned towards the source of her voice as I smiled before hugging her since she had ran into my arms.

"How are you sweet angel?" I asked Stella as we hugged.

Stella and I were pretty close she had me come pick her up from school several times, we had gone out camping together also and we went shopping together a few times. She was surprised when I first brought her to Josh's mansion but Josh explained he never had anyone visit. I also gifted Stella a new macbook for her 14th birthday a few weeks which she absolutely loved.

"I'm great auntie Ana." Stella said as she hugged me tightly.

I just chuckled and pinched her cheeks.

"Just call me Ana not auntie Ana." I giggled as I spoke in my now slightly less heavy Russian accent.

Stella laughed as well and we soon met up with everyone before Stella went straight to Josh to ask him to swap seats with her so she could sit with me. Josh refused but somehow Stella was sitting next to me as the plane took off. She would not say how she convinced Josh only that it was for our own good or something like that.

I just laughed and shook my head before looking out of the window of the plane.

"Hey auntie Ana?" Stella brought me out of my train of thought as I watched the city slowly disappear below us.

"Yes dear?" I answered.

"What was growing up in Russia like? I mean I have some friends from Russia that I can now speak bits of Russian with but it seems they are all not as how should I say? Calm or as patient as you are so I was wondering that may be it could be because you had different experiences growing up which made you different." Stella asked and I smiled with a nostalgic smile.


"Well I grew up in Kaliningrad which is a pretty cold place compared to most of America well except for Alaska." I said and we both laughed.

"I grew up pretty much on my own really. My mother was what you would call a free spirit so having me sort of hindered a lifestyle so I was mostly raised by nanny in the apartment block but that doesn't mean life was not fun in fact it was pretty much a lot of fun but due to my circumstances I grew up a lot faster than most kids which is why I am a lot more patient and calm as you say." I answered and Stella nodded.

"So before you met uncle Josh did you have any boyfriend?" Stella asked once more after some time of silence.

I coughed in surprise.

"Uh yeah, I had two boyfriends not at the same time though." I said to Stella as I chuckled a bit.

"I dated a boy named Vladimir when I was in highschool until we broke up when I moved to Moscow for university then I dated a guy named Trofim from my second year in university until a few weeks before I graduated which is early last year." I continued explaining to Stella who nodded as she listened.

We talked about other things after that as we laughed while she told me about her relationship problems.

"Well, maybe he does like you. At your age boys are usually getting crappy advice from their friends who also have no clue on what to do but say they know it all." I said to Stella as she told me about a boy she liked.

We then started talking about something else and we soon started playing some games until the plane finally landed in Wisconsin. We got off the plane and collected our things before I heard someone calling my name while speaking in Ukrainian.

"Анастасія? О, Боже мій." The somewhat familiar voice said and I turned to see a familiar face who's name instantly popped up in my head.

It was Zlata, a friend of mine from university who was a year ahead of me in university. I smiled brightly as I let go of Josh's had before hugging Zlata.

"Вау, це ти! Як ти мій дорогий друг?" I said to Zlata in Ukrainian as we hugged.

"Я великий мій друг, як справи? Коли ви приїхали до Америки?" Zlata said while we held hands and smiled at each other.

It had been far too long since I had seen her, she was sort of a older sister to me but we had lost contact soon after she left University two years ago.

"Це приємно, я прийшов раніше цього року. Я живу в Лос-Анджелесі. Що про вас?" I laughed as I replied and we talked for a couple of minutes completely forgetting everyone until Stella nudged me.

"Oh sorry, uhm Zlata this is Stella." I said as I looked towards Zlata who smiled towards Stella.

Zlata was almost similar in appearance with me which made most people think we were related, maybe we were because I didn't know who my father was and my mother never let me meet my family. The only difference between Zlata and I was that I had a fuller figure while Zlata was a bit smaller while also having black hair.

"Stella this is my older sister Zlata." I said to Stella who's jaws as well as everyone I was supposed to be go with to the lodge dropped.

"Hi." Stella said as she waved nervously towards Zlata.

Zlata smiled before doing the same thing.

"Hi." Zlata said in a thick Ukrainian accent which sounded as sexy as it always did when ever she said English words.

Before transmigrating, Zlata was one of the few people I spoke in English to so I already knew she had a great accent which like me she could have gotten rid of but did not.

"This is Josh my boyfriend." I introduced Josh to Zlata which made her smile brightly as she was truly happy for me.

"Josh this is Zlata, the one I always tell you about." I said to Josh who smiled towards Zlata and reached to shake her hand only for her to hug him.

"Nice to meet you Josh, oh Tia Я с мужем, пожалуйста Sergei, будьте любезны." Zlata said and I growled in annoyance as I really did not like her husband at all.

While I was dating Trofim, Sergei had started dating Zlata but he wanted to sleep with me so badly he drugged me on more than one occasion luckily I managed to get to Trofim in time on the first occasion and on the other occasions I was saved by Zlata and also Olga who was Zlata's sister which kind of made her my sister as well.

"Я ненавиджу вашого чоловіка, і я не буду претендую на те, щоб бути приємним до нього, я, швидше за все, уникати його цілком, і я сподіваюся, що заради його не намагається ще раз наркотики, тому що мій хлопець вб'є його, якщо він робить." I said to Zlata as I felt my temper flair.

One thing I had as Anastasia was a fiery temper, despite being introverted and mostly quite I was also very fiery tempered when I got mad. Josh had experienced this a couple of times but said I looked sexy when I got mad. Zlata sighed lightly and shook her head.

"Він змінився. Але я розумію, давайте обмінюватися номерами. Як довго ви будете тут? Я живу в декількох милях звідси." Zlata sighed before asking.

I answered Zlata and we exchanged phone numbers before hugging with a promise to hang out in the next few days. I smiled as I watched her walk towards the exit of the airport.

"Auntie Ana?" Caleb called me as I smiled while talking to Stella.

"Yes Caleb?" I answered.

"Are all your friends and family as hot as you and Zlata?" Caleb asked which made not only me but every adult to cough in surprise.

I looked at Josh for an answer but he just chuckled as I shook my head.

"Well yeah, why?" I asked him as his grandmother laughed.

"Then when I get older I'll ask you to introduce me to your friends so I can have a hot wife too." Caleb said that with a lot of confidence which made me smiled and nod.

"OK." I said to him before we talked and we soon headed to the lodge we would be staying at for the next few days while I texted Zlata.

It did not take us long to arrive at the lodge despite how covered in snow most of the area was. We had driven here in two cars, one car had me, Josh, Teresa, Stella, Caleb, Clive and Natasha who still didn't like me much but also did not hate me. The two had a very strained relationship with their father which was because of how Vicky talked about Josh.

The other car had everyone else including Vicky.