Chapter N.XIV

- "As soon as the little man saw the marchioness, he began to sing loudly and play the lute, and soon to the sound of his music from lodges started coming out other inhabitants of the heavenly town. As soon as they gathered in full force on the street, the oldest looking little man approached Zelandyne and began to interrogate her, who is she and how did she end up in their magical town. Young marchioness did not lie and answered honestly, that this day she turned eighteen years old, and that her mother kicked her out of the home, not even allowing to celebrate this wonderful red-letter day. The inhabitants of the heavenly city were imbued with sympathy for Zelandyne and decided to let her stay with them. Mayor immediately gave the order to build a dwelling for the marchioness, which Mason managed in just ten minutes, because he was always ready all necessary tools and materials".

When ajussi Japh paused to catch his breath, Jordan, who all this time concentratedly examined the lying at his feet Iranian carpet with elaborate pattern, suddenly raised his eyes to apartment's owner. Displeasure was read in ajussi Jo's eyes, as if he could not believe that his friend had uttered such stupid and unexpected words for him.

- It's kind of unrealistic, isn't it... - he grunted under his breath, he shook his head sadly.

Delia, who listened eagerly to every word ajussi Japh said, don't waste time asking Jordan exactly what he meant - that the marchioness was so easily allowed to live in Seventhaven, or how quickly they built a lodge for her. However, to leave his remark unanswered would be tactlessness on her part - it was not enough for him to consider her an some simpleton. So Delia, after taking a second to think, straightened her shoulders and rose slightly in her chair - so as to attract the eyes of all those present.

- Ajussi Jo, you forgot it was a fairy tale! - she exclaimed loudly throughout the cabinet. - It doesn't have to be realistic!

- Truth is on your side, - apartment's owner himself agreed with her and continued reading. - "Inhabitant of Seventhaven never regretted that the young marchioness settled in their town - for good Zelandyne paid good, she constantly took care of everyone and baked delicious pies for all her new friends, what they liked very much, for up to this point they had lived on the simple baked meat of animals that Montero had hunted. Besides twiddler Minstrel, who happened to see the marchioness before others, composed about her a very tender ballad, in which he praised her beauty and kindness, and also did not fail to blame her mother for how unfairly she treated her daughter. When he read this ballad to the marchioness herself, heart of Zelandyne filled with a warm feeling for Minstrel, but she did not reciprocate him, for she thought of the youthful Sagamore, whom she supposed was still languishing in captivity with The Duchess".

- By the way, for a long time we have not heard something about what happened in Ducal Chateau, - Delia couldn't resist commenting.

- You're about to find out, - ajussi Japh smiled and continued - "Marchioness' Mother was not satisfied, how auld Jaeger disposed of her daughter's life - butchering him on the guillotine, the woman, without wasting a minute, decided to dress like a beggar maid and make one's way through Seventhaven, why did she invite Chief Executor of Royal Wishes. The point was that since The Duchess lived all her life in splendour, she was completely unaware how does it - to ask for alms. Chief Executor of Royal Wishes spent two whole days with her a couple of exercises, but The Duchess was a very bad schooldame - she constantly broke into a secular tone, which was totally unacceptable to play the role of a beggar maid. Realizing that it will not lead to anything good, her teacher decided to take up the matter himself - Chief Executor of Royal Wishes turned to Potted Fairy and asked her to turn him into a pauper. The effect exceeded all expectations - young man at the behest of a little beauty transformed into an elderly man dressed in dirty rags. One of his eyes was hidden behind a black bandage, and both legs were so crooked, that without a crutch he was completely helpless. From now on, no one could doubt that it's not subdolous Chief Executor of Royal Wishes, but just an elder and diseased cripple who needs an attitude adjustment".

Hearing these words, Delia burst into laughter - it seemed painfully comical to her the appearance of a aching gaffer, into which Chief Executor of Royal Wishes turned. She couldn't understand why he had to disfigure himself like that, but already the fact that now his appearance fully corresponded to his disgustful soul, gave her a sense of satisfaction. Ajussi Jo and ajussi Japh didn't frown at her this time - obviously they, too, agreed with how the fairy from the fairy tale dealt with the guileful executioner. At any rate, Delia could clearly hear soft but approving chuckle of Jordan. When the girl finally calmed down, she tilted her head up and scratched the back of her head.

- You can keep reading, - she tossed at Leonard, wiping her tears from laughter.

- All right, - nodded apartment's owner. - "At the end of servant's metamorphosis The Duchess handed the cripple a phial of poison, one drop of which was enough to send Zelandyne to The Land of Eternal Dreams. Bowing to his proprietress, Chief Executor of Royal Wishes went out the gate of Ducal Chateau and, waiting for the night, climbed the crystalline staircase into Seventhaven, where, having found the lodge of the young marchioness, he splashed poison on her and immediately rushed to run. however, he made a mistake in his calculations, in courage throwing a phial on the floor - the sound of breaking glass immediately woke up all six inhabitants of the town, who, led by Mayor, rushed in pursuit of the cripple, whose crooked legs have done him a disservice - unable to break away from the persecution, Chief Executor of Royal Wishes lost his crutch and was forced to stop halfway to the descent into ground. And then he had a bad time - very bad! Worse than ever!".

- So, what happened to this vile villain? - Delia asked without taking her eyes off the narrator.

- I think that Seventhaven's inhabitants just threw him down the stairs, - Jordan suggested.

Delia couldn't help but admit that ajussi Jo's answer was convincing enough, but she still felt a little offended, what Leonard Austener - the author of this fairy tale - did not mention, how did the heroes committed a massacre with the misdoer. However, it could be understood, after all, he wrote a children's story, and surely mister Austener had to try, to make his work look as innocent as possible, avoiding any reference of violence, not to scare its immature audience. But in the depths of Delia's soul lived an unconscious disgust for all sorts of miscreants, because of which she was not satisfied with such a superficial description of what happened to Chief Executor of Royal Wishes. Meanwhile, Japhet meanwhile continued.

- "When the cripple was finished, the inhabitants of Seventhaven returned to the lodge, where the poor marchioness lay motionless in bed - the poison that Chief Executor of Royal Wishes splashed on Zelandyne's face, plunged the girl into such a deep sleep, that she could not be awakened by any forces. Seventhavenians were gripped by immense grief, and even severe and incredulous Mayor sobbed inconsolably, kneeling by the bed on which lay the lifeless body of the young marchioness. However, soon in Seventhaven our old friend Clever Crow flew in, who explained to the saddened residents how to save the girl - all that was needed for this was to bring a youthful Sagamore into the magical town, who still languished in the dungeon of The Duchess - because they are with Zelandyne love each other!"

- This is sounds like a tired mantra, - muttered Jordan, turning his eyes to the ceiling. - Awakening a girl from sleep by kissing...

- Certainly not, ajussi Jo! - Delia retorted enthusiastically. - It's so romantic!

- I guess in fairness, - coughing, Japhet remarked, - in the tale there is not a one word about what exactly was supposed to awaken the marchioness! Maybe a kiss, or maybe something completely different!

Delia gave ajussi Japh a radiant smile with holy glare and nodded in agreement. For the first time in all the time they spent together, face of apartment's owner suddenly flushed with embarrassment. It seemed to baby girl that it was difficult to embarrass Japhet, but she was wrong. After wiping the sweat off his neck, he turned away from the young guest for a second and looked at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. After a while, he looked at the girl and, seeing a mischievous smile on her face, good-naturedly shake head at her and turned back to his book.

- "Seventhavenians gathered a council at which they began to decide which of them should go to rescue the prisoner from dungeon. After several discussions and debates, they came to the conclusion that it should be done by the youngest of all those present - namely, twiddler Minstrel. In less than an hour he had already descended the stairs to the High Road, and, stealthily sneaking into Ducal Chateau, slipped into The Duchess's bedchamber, where she kept the magic pot. Taking it in hand, Minstrel appealed to its tiny dweller to free the youthful Sagamore. Potted Fairy did not agree to this proposal, and meanwhile the guards heard a noise from the bedchamber. Hearing their stomp, Minstrel fell into a panic and not knowing what to do next, decided to take the most extreme step - he asked the little beauty, so that she scattered palatial walls, to which Potted Fairy agreed without further ado. And when four warriors had already broken through the doors and seized Minstrel, the building suddenly shook and the heavy ceiling collapsed down, burying everyone who at that time was in the Ducal Chateau."

- Really, is Minstrel too? - Delia exclaimed in fright.

- Yes, him and Potted Fairy died both, - with deadly seriousness Japhet replied. - Don't you cry, - he consoled the girl, noticing large transparent drops in her eyes.

He managed to produce the desired effect on Delia - she immediately wiped away her tears and sniffled, why her black curls are finally disheveled. Besides, her dress, once so neat, now looked worn and wrinkled. The girl, noticing the gaze of men on herself, hurriedly got herself in order - neatly smoothed her skirt on her knees and for the umpteenth time that evening straightened her hair.

When Delia looked back at Japhet, he silently nodded to her, as if letting him know that he was satisfied with her appearance and continued his interrupted occupation - that is, he began to read a fairy tale aloud and expressively, don't forget to turn the pages so you don't miss a single line. Little girl, holding her breath, listened to his pleasant baritone.