I'm your master, and you exist solely as my servant

As they reached the towering doors, Isolde signaled for the children to halt. Pushing the doors open revealed a staggering assembly of hooded figures, their numbers almost overwhelming. Isolde turned her attention back to the children, silently commanding them to stop in their tracks.

Surveying the hooded congregation with a cold, apprehensive gaze, Isolde remained composed. She extended her hands gracefully and, with an air of calm politeness, made her peculiar request, "May I borrow your shadows?"

Confusion washed over the hooded individuals, their expressions contorted with uncertainty. In a sudden and inexplicable turn of events, their shadows transformed into corporeal entities, launching vicious attacks against their own hosts. The air was soon filled with agonized cries as, one by one, they succumbed to the merciless assault of their own shadows, unable to prevent their own gruesome demise.

Isolde, clad in her pristine white dress, observed this macabre spectacle with a chilling sense of amusement. Blood spattered upon her attire, forming dark, gory pools at her feet. Despite the horror, her lips curled into a soft smile, as she contemplated the poetic nature of their deaths rather than the pain they endured.

As the last of the hooded figures met their doom, Isolde raised her arms slightly overhead, palms upturned, before gradually lowering them to her sides. The shadows that had wrought such destruction began to dissipate, slowly fading into obscurity until they vanished entirely. In their wake remained only the lifeless bodies of the fallen and the grim stains of blood that now adorned Isolde's once-immaculate attire.

She strode past the lifeless bodies strewn across the floor, leading the way down a seemingly endless corridor that eventually spilled into the grand first hall. In eerie silence, the children followed in her wake. With deliberate steps, Isolde pushed open the imposing doors and ventured inside, her keen eyes absorbing every detail of the chamber. The children, trailing behind her, moved as shadows.

As she entered, a man shrouded in a crimson cloak materialized at the central podium, his visage hidden beneath the depths of his hood. Beside him stood Lady Adrith, a sight that did not take Isolde by surprise.

Politely, she addressed the mysterious figure, her voice laced with courtesy, "I will assume that you're the priest of this place." Her steps carried her closer to the podium, where the priest awaited her inquiry.

In a tone devoid of emotion, yet tinged with a hint of amusement, the priest responded, "I heard you killed the sovereign being." His words pierced the air, filling the chamber with an enigmatic presence.

Isolde paused briefly, recalling the confrontation with the vampire she had slain earlier. A wry smile curved upon her lips. "Oh, indeed, it appears I did," she acknowledged with a nod, a glint of slyness in her eyes.

Adrith, her anger palpable, couldn't restrain her ire any longer. "How dare you? How dare you kill our great lord?" she hissed vehemently. In the face of Adrith's fury, Isolde's response was nothing more than a gentle smile, a fleeting expression before she turned her attention back to the enigmatic priest.

"That is why I can't let you leave this place," the priest declared ominously, raising his hand toward the heavens. Crimson chains, materializing from the very ground beneath Isolde's feet, slithered upward, ensnaring her. They wrapped around her neck, ankles, wrists, binding her in a vice-like grip and pinning her to the ground. The room trembled and shook, its foundations quivering violently in response to the malevolent power at play.

"Now, let us delve into the purpose behind your presence here," the priest declared, his voice carrying an air of ominous authority. With a languid gesture, he extended his hand in Isolde's direction, snapping his fingers with eerie precision.

The moment his fingers snapped, crimson rune circles etched onto the floor sprang to life. These arcane symbols burned with an unsettling intensity, casting an eerie red glow that steadily intensified. The runes, arranged in a perfect hexagonal pattern, began to expand outward, their fiery light forming an impenetrable cage that enveloped Isolde.

In response to the unfolding spectacle, Adrith issued a command to her hooded acolytes. Six of them emerged from the shadows, entering the hall with a purposeful stride. They encircled the group of children, effectively blocking any avenue of escape. Each hooded figure seized a child by the arm, pinning them mercilessly to the ground. Amidst this unsettling tableau, Isolde observed the scene in contemplative silence, her keen eyes missing nothing.

In an attempt to maintain her composure, Isolde posed a question to the priest, her tone feigning casual curiosity though betraying a hint of concern, "Is this some sort of ritual?" Her words hung in the air, laden with curiosity and a touch of apprehension.

The priest regarded her with undisguised disgust before elucidating, "This is a ritual for the extraction of one's essence, to be transferred into another vessel." His bony finger pointed first at Isolde and then at Adrith, connecting the dots of the macabre proceedings.

Isolde nodded slowly, a tacit acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation. "I see," she murmured with a trace of resignation. "So, this is what you meant by ridding me of my powers."

Adrith responded with a dry, humorless chuckle. "Indeed," she affirmed, her voice tinged with a sardonic edge. "That's the sole reason for your adoption."

The gravity of her predicament weighed upon Isolde, but her demeanor remained cool and detached. "What an unfortunate situation you've orchestrated for me," she remarked matter-of-factly, her emotions veiled by a facade of analytical detachment. She continued to watch the unfolding events with a combination of intrigue and resignation, as her destiny unfolded before her.

"There's one thing you should know, though," Isolde asserted with a hint of unwavering resolve.

"And what is that?" The priest inquired, his voice betraying a growing anticipation as the intricate sigils surrounding Isolde pulsed with an increasingly rapid rhythm, siphoning more and more energy from her.

"I won't let you have my essence," Isolde responded with stark simplicity, her voice an island of calm in the turbulent sea of their dramatic confrontation. Despite the looming threat, she managed to maintain her composure admirably.

The priest's laughter echoed once more, his mirth revealing the menacing glint of sharp teeth beneath his hood. He approached Isolde with predatory intent, seizing her chin forcefully. His words dripped with taunting confidence as he asserted, "Well, good luck with that. These chains are a safeguard, robbing you of your powers. You'll be utterly powerless once your essence is absorbed." He scoffed with an air of unshakable superiority.

Isolde, however, responded with a mere shake of her head. Her violet eyes blazed with a malevolent light, and an unsettling grin stretched across her lips, broad and sinister.

In a sudden, audacious move, the priest's own shadow, concealed behind him, materialized into a twisted, tangible form. It thrust forward, impaling him mercilessly from behind. Simultaneously, the intricate magic runes that held Isolde captive dissipated into nothingness, and the chains that had bound her disappeared into thin air.

Across the room, Adrith's shadow also manifested into reality, its bony fingers closing around Adrith's throat, constricting her breath. Isolde regained her feet, standing tall as the events unfolded.

"You've certainly displayed an audacious nerve in trying to deceive me," Isolde remarked quietly, her voice laced with a bemused quality that seemed almost out of place given the circumstances.

The priest's lifeless body tumbled forward, crashing to the ground with an echoing thud. The hooded figures who had been restraining the children watched in stunned disbelief as their once-feared leader crumpled to the cold floor, his reign of terror abruptly extinguished.

Isolde swiftly pivoted her focus towards the six hooded individuals, her fingers outstretched, each one aimed at a different target. With calculated precision, she unleashed a torrent of crackling electric purple flame that surged from her fingertips, hurtling towards her adversaries. Upon impact, they were instantly reduced to nothing but smoldering ashes, vanishing in the aftermath of her devastating assault.

Having disposed of the immediate threat, Isolde shifted her attention to Adrith, who was now gripped by fear, her eyes reflecting a profound terror. Despite her predicament, Adrith managed to gasp out a sentence, her voice laden with desperation, "Please, don't kill me," her plea escaping in a strained whisper as she struggled against the shadowy vise constricting her throat.

Isolde's countenance underwent a chilling transformation, her expression contorting into one of deadly seriousness. Her voice, laced with menace, dripped with an eerie calm as she responded to Adrith's plea, "Don't worry, Aunty Adrith. I won't end your life because you still hold considerable value. However, it's imperative that you understand your new reality from this point forward. I am your master, and you exist solely as my servant. Is that perfectly clear?"