Mysterious Debut.

After the announcement, the entire assembly turned their collective gaze towards where Isolde and Nyx stood. Adrith, who had extended the invitation, couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected outcome, her thoughts racing with intrigue.

'Never did I imagine that the crown prince would honor my invitation,' Adrith mused to herself, a sense of satisfaction tinged with a touch of apprehension filling her heart. The sight of Nyx, the Crown Prince of Eclipsoria, attending her niece's debutante ball was indeed an astonishing turn of events.

Isolde, the center of attention, composed herself gracefully, recognizing the significance of the moment. With a deep and respectful curtsy, she addressed the royal guest, her voice laced with gratitude and elegance.

"Thank you for gracing my debutante ball with your presence, Your Highness," Isolde expressed with poise, her curtsy a symbol of both respect and appreciation.