Be Of Help.

Isolde's eye twitched involuntarily at his words, though she made an effort not to show her reaction. "A human having vampiric abilities," Isolde said, her voice tinged with skepticism, "That sounds impossible."

Azrael shook his head, a hint of knowledge in his eyes, "Impossible? Not really. There are two ways this can happen. First, by drinking a vampire's blood, a human can turn into a mindless vampire, obedient to the one who provided the blood. Second, by consuming a vampire's corpse, they become self-aware and gain immense power, depending on the part of the vampire's body they consumed."

The revelation left the four of them wide-eyed and bewildered.

Willow couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "Just who are you, and what exactly are you?"

With a small smile, Azrael clarified, "I'm Azrael, and I'm a half-vampire, half-human hybrid. It's a bit complicated."