No Pay and Just Stay.

While Rowan, Willow, and Casper continued their exploration of the festive surroundings, Meadow's eyes caught sight of a fortune-telling booth ahead.

Intrigued by the mystique of foreseeing destiny, she thought, 'I can see other people's futures, but when it comes to mine... I can't see mine at all. It's almost like as if I have no future.' With that lingering thought, she broke away from the trio and ventured towards the fortune-telling booth.

Upon entering the booth, Meadow noticed a customer already engaged with the fortune teller, who was draped in a mysterious purple cloak. Intrigued, she observed the scene, her curiosity piqued by the unfolding divination.

The fortune teller, after a moment of reading the cards, looked up and stared intently at the customer. With a solemn tone, she delivered a somber prophecy, "You're unlucky. It runs in your family. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to change it. You'll have to take your losses head-on."