Key To Salvation.

Corwin slowly opened his eyes, absorbing the light of the full moon that bathed him and the soft, cold night wind's sounds. His body still felt heavy, aching from head to toe. Groaning, he turned onto his side, only to be greeted by an awfully familiar, deep voice that sent an unpleasant shiver down his spine.

"Ah, I wouldn't turn around if I were you," the voice warned. Corwin cautiously looked to his side and discovered he was next to a perilous cliff. His heart jumped into his throat as he moved away from the edge and stood up. Surveying his surroundings, he was faced with his worst nightmare. There stood a figure, smiling sinisterly at him, with midnight blue hair framing his face and dark crimson eyes glinting in the moonlight. Clad in majestic royal military attire, the man leaned against a large tree.