Crimson Tears

In a haze, Willow regained her senses, her gaze slowly shifting towards Rowan's lifeless form. He lay beside her, blood trickling from the bite wound on his neck into the grass. Willow blinked once, then twice, before her eyes descended, revealing the harrowing scene. A dryness enveloped her mouth as her heart pounded erratically against her chest. A lump formed in her throat, and a stifled sob escaped her lips.

Closing her eyes tightly, Willow fought against the impending tears, determined to keep them at bay. She succeeded in pushing the emotions away before they could spill over and cascade down her cheeks. "Rowan..." she whispered hoarsely, tears still streaming silently from her green eyes. Gently, she lifted his head and cradled it on her lap, holding him close.

Relief mingled with sorrow as tears continued to flow, and she rocked them gently in a solemn rhythm. Willow pressed tender kisses to his forehead, her fingers caressing his hair as she softly cried.