
Jen's POV

" What beautiful flowers these are . I could spend forever here." I said admiring the garden letting the scents sink in. It's all too sweet .

" The flowers are beautiful but still not as beautiful as you , My Queen. You are the most beautiful flower in the whole world." Shawn said earning a blush from me . This couldn't get any better . Admiring the garden with my beloved king , the love of my life while the maids serve us delicious drinks . Wait since when do I have maids and the maids seem kinda familiar, isn't that Melody? Why is she serving me ? Didn't she hate me ? Ohh right it's because I'm the Queen. But we have democracy . Something feels off . Whatever it doesn't matter, let me just enjoy my date .

" Miss Walker ! Miss Walker!" I heard a guard calling out to me . I wonder why he isn't calling your majesty. And the king doesn't seem to notice anything. The guard came closer and his handsome face gradually turn to a middle aged man .

What the heck is happening?

" Miss Walker! My class isn't a place for you to sleep. If you want to sleep , stay home ." Mr. William physics professor scold me as I opened my eyes .

Such a wonderful dream ended in a haste.

" Hello Miss Walker ! Are you answering me?" He said glaring at me . I felt my soul left my body . He's so scary .

" Uhm... Sorry Sir ! It won't happen again . I was really tired and I didn't realise ." I quickly apologize.

He doesn't seem to pleased with my answer .

" Quite your excuses. It's only the second period and you say you're tired . I'm not gonna buy that . If this happens again , I'm sending you straight to detention. This is my final warning." He said fuming red .

Ohhh come on , it's not my fault his class is so boring. I don't understand a thing he's teaching. Physics is just the subject for me . I managed to stay awake for the rest of the class . I didn't want to get detention. My parents are already disappointed as it is . I don't want to give them more reasons.

" Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation states that every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with force directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. It is because of this that we .... Blah blah "

What's he even talking, I can't wait for class to end . Like I said I don't understand a thing .

My dilemma finally end when the bell rang signifying the end of the class. Great next period is history , I am so excited.

Miss Sulivan my history teacher began teaching. She's teaching an Indian history regarding the Mughal Emperors. I love this part so much it's almost like a fabble except all this was very real , it actually happened.

"The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur, a Timurid prince and ruler from Central Asia. Babur was a direct descendant of the Timurid Emperor Tamerlane on his father's side, and the Mongol ruler Genghis Khan on his mother's side.[9] Ousted from his ancestral domains in Turkistan by Sheybani Khan, the 40-year-old Prince Babur turned to India to satisfy his ambitions." Wow so he was basically an exiled prince. I can't believe he founded such a great empire in a new country.

When Miss Sulivan teaches , I'm already all the way to India, looking at the durbar and all. I want to visit India some day . They have so many different history, so many civilizations. But it's a long way and I have to save up for at least 5 years at this rate . Maybe I should get a part time job and start saving up . My focus was interrupted by the girls in my back whispering .

" This is the most boring stuff ever. Why can't they just remove history? "

" I know right. It's such a useless thing . And why are we even learning some far way lands past records . What's that gonna help?"

" Yeah it's so annoying . Miss Sulivan is annoying . She thinks people actually like this stuff . "

I felt so mad , how could they talk like that . Miss Sulivan is my favourite teacher.

" Hey so talk somewhere else . I'm trying to learn here ." I snapped.

" Of course she like these stuffs. Such a weirdo." They just laughed at my face. I really want to punch them but I hold back .

" We're here to learn. I'm not trying to fail like you . Because I actually care about my grade ." I replied

" I thought I just saw you sleeping in physics class . Lol talk about concentration." They just continue mocking me . That's it , I'm gonna get this girls .

" You three in the back . What's so funny ? Care to share it with the class so we can laugh too." Miss Sulivan said pointing at us . The whole class turn to look at us . Oh great, what a day .