Water park

Shawn's POV

My friends end up going with me . I told them it's okay but they just have to follow along. They're good friends always looking out for me .

" How about we just enjoy today ? Let's go to a bar and drink." Ian said .

" Bro ! Are you mad? We're underage. We can't go to a bar. I'm not getting locked up." Jayden glared at him .

"Well then , how about skydiving. That's legal ." Ian replied.

" I'm not going. You can go if you want. You know I have a fear of height." Danny grumbled.

" Let's go the beach. It's calm and we can still have fun without any risk ." I suggest.

So as I suggested, we decided to go to the beach .

" Can I say something? " Maichial suddenly said.

" Bro you can literally just say it . " Jayden said .

" Well my folks were supposed to be at the beach and I don't want to run into them . You know what I mean ." He stammer.

" Yeah that sucks. I won't want that either." Danny agreed.

" So where are we going ? Don't tell me we're just heading home ." Ian complained.

" How about a water park ? There's one near my house. " Danny suggested.

So our final decision is the water park . I was shocked when we reach the location. It was huge and expensive. There's so many water slides that we can't even count and 30 swimming pools . One of the slide even ride through a freaking shark tank . It's crazy . We decided to ride the highest slide first. There's two person tube and single tubes .

We let Danny and Maichial ride a two person tube . Me and Jaydan also take one and Ian in the single tube . Ian complained about being left alone but who cares he's always complaining about one thing or the other . So we're used to his complaining by now . The couple look really happy to share one . They can't even say they wanna share . I don't understand why they're so afraid. It's actually really fun but also scary. We screamed as we fall from the slides to the lazy river . Then we ride the slide with shark tank . We spend most of our time there actually. It was almost like being in the sea and swimming with the sharks. We ride so many different slides and by the time we're done, the park was closing.

" It's so much fun guys . We should do it again sometime. " I said to no one in particular.

We wrap up and decided to call it a day . I was exhausted from all fun and so I went to sleep as soon as I reach my bed . It's amazing, I didn't even have time to think about Mandy and her cheating ass .

Jeneya's POV

Jayden texted me that he had to go home early. Apparantly one of his friends aren't feeling too well . I hope they're okay , whoever that is . And I sure hope nothing's wrong with Shawn. I slowly walk home. It's a long way and I should probably take a bus . But I feel like I could use the time . Besides there's a a museum in the way back so I plan on stopping there too . It holds all the ancient objects.

I'm gonna enjoy today. I already have a shity day at class and I won't ruin the rest by sulking.

Instead of being down that my brother ditch me , I'm gonna use this as a chance to enjoy the outdoors.

I can start by enjoying the street food. My parents never let us eat any junk food. It's always home cooked meals .And I can't help but be curious of the forbidden. Today I'm gonna taste all this food that they kept me from eating all this time. I mean they look so good , how bad can it be ? I went to the first Street vendor and order everything on the menu .

" Ma'am you're buying a lot of food, is there an occasion?" The street vendor asked.

" Nah .. no occasion. I just felt like trying all of them . They look so good." I replied.

" Thank you ma'am. The total will be 40$." He said .

I scanned my card and paid.

Next I went to a nearby park and began eating the foods . It's so delicious. I can't believe I've been missing out on such great foods . As I was a eating , a golden retriever came near me and wag it's tail.Its giving me those puppy eyes. It must've smell the food and come here .

" Ohh such a cute dogie you're! Are you hungry? Here eat this." I fed the dog . I've always wanted one for myself but I wasn't allowed to keep a pet . Parents and their rule , it's annoying. I'm glad I gotta spend some time with this cutie.

" I want to spend forever with you . But you're owner must be looking for you . You should go back after eating. They're probably worried." I said looking at the collar.

I wonder who the owner is .