The Museum

Jeneya's POV

Currently I'm at the world's biggest archeological museum and I can't tell you how excited I am.

The museum building is robust and majestic. The museum has various departments that have collectibles and artifacts on different subjects and historical periods on display. I saw numerous images, articles, sculptures, and scriptures– palm leaf and rock engravings and many other articles of great value and interest as we entered the ground floor of the museum. The entire museum is divided into different departments like the archaeological division, anthropological division, display section, etc.On going to the first floor we saw paintings, murals, charts amongst the various other things. There were manuscripts in different languages on display. We saw various ancient weapons, robes, and dresses on display. One of the corners is dedicated to the numismatics section. This section has coins from different periods put on display.There are the realistic paintings of Ellora caves alongside beautiful replicas of the Ajanta frescoes in one hall. In addition to these, the paintings depicting the lives of different Gods of different countries. Like lord Krishna from India, Anubis of Egypt , Gautam Buddha, Greek gods like Athena and Zeus. And also Jesus Christ through scriptures and charts are also put on display. One could truly discover the glorious history of almost country here . The broken pitchers, toys, stones, beads, skulls, etc. reflect a lot about the civilization of those times. We were really surprised to find out how advanced that civilization was.The third floor belongs to the military equipment section. The weapons from the ancient times, such as the spears and pruning hooks, swords and sheaths, shields and helmets, different types of dresses of the commanders and generals from the past ages are showcased. It was a thrilling experience. Seeing all the equipment and attires of the past heroes of our nation was too inspiring for us.

I've never been to a museum this big before and I'm really glad that I got this golden opportunity. I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's really really great to have friends.As a history geek I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't even know about this place before. Also it's a very exclusive place. Not just anyone can come here. It's not like any other museums. You have to be either rich enough to get their super expensive ticket or you have to have some connections inside. Of course my parents can afford the ticket but they'll never spend it on some archeological museum. They think it's not worth it. So as a high school student with little pocket money, there's no way I can afford to go here .

Daisy's dad made a lot of contribution here and he get to have a free access not just for him but also for friends and family. A total of 5 people can go each time. I really admire him . I wish one day I could be like him having a successful archeology carrier. That will be a dream come true .

So this all started like a week ago , my new bestie Daisy rushed to the class beaming.

" Someone seems to be in a good mood. Come on spit it out , what's making so happy?" I chuckled looking at her catching her breath.

" It's just .. I'm so excited. I can't wait to tell you all of it ."She said.

" So tell me the good news." I smiled

" Well so my dad got some valuable pieces recently and it's gonna display in the world's largest archeological museum." She start speaking still catching her breath.

" Wow Daisy! That's really great news. Your dad seems amazing. I'd like to meet him someday." I replied.

" Yeah it's great. But that's not all. " She added.

" There's more ?"

" umhm."

" Okay just tell me already. You're making me nervous." I nag her .

"He got a free visit there for 5 people. So my family's going and daddy said I could invite a friend. And ... I'm inviting you ." She beamed.

"What? No freaking way . Thank you my angel . I can't tell how happy you're making me . " I hold her hand and jump .

" Easy now . We're going on the weekend. So don't make other plans. Okay?" She smiled.

" Got it ! By the way, I didn't know about this largest museum. Where is it by the way ?" I asked. I should've atleast heard about it .

" It's in another town . It's not open to general public. Maybe that's why . " She shurged.

" So we're going out of town . Are we spending the night there ? I wonder if my parents will agree. " I said biting my lips .

" You'll never know if you don't ask . Just try to persuade them . I can come along too for moral support. It's only one night anyway. They might just agree easily." She chuckled.

" Why are you chuckling? I'm stressed here ." I glared at her.

" You just look funny with that expression. So do you want me to come ? " She continued.

" Actually, don't . I'd rather do it alone. I don't want to hear if they end up scolding me ." I signed.

" Okay then try to get them to agree ." She said.

So taking her advice I persuade my parents to let me go . Of course they didn't agree at first but after some begging and tears they agreed. My mom send me off ,with a lot of reminders like no eating junk food and carefull of strangers. The list goes on but atleast I gotta go . And here I'm enjoying my day at my new favourite place . My mom called non stop , she's always so worried. I might be a teen but I swear they treat me like a kid . It's just not fair Jayden gotta wherever he wanted just because they think he's more responsible.