Prom date 2

Shawn's POV

Prom is coming and I'm so done with it . I don't get why everyone is so excited about it . It's just some high school kid dancing. What's so special anyway? Yet another girl asked me to go with her . Give me a break . I don't even plan on going. I'm still mad about Mandy. She have the audacity to expect me to go with her . I told her to just go with her Tyler and stop bothering me . And all she had to say is Tyler can't make her a prom queen. She wanted to go with me for a better chance. She didn't even apologize for what she did and she expected me to forget everything and help her . Does she think I'm her toy or something? I wish she'd just disappear. She'd always know how to get on my nerves.

" Hey you seem mad ? Everything okay ?" Jayden ask me .

" I'm fine. It's just Mandy. She's so annoying. She wanted me to help her be the prom queen . Such an entitled bitch ." I grumbled.

" So who's going with you then ? Do you have someone in mind?" He asked.

" No all girls are annoying. I'll just stay home and watch TV." I replied.

" Don't be such a bore . It's prom night. You can watch TV all the time . I'm going to ask Lily by the way." Ian chimed in .

" and get rejected again?" We all said in unison. He just sighed and stop talking.

" Shawn! If you don't have someone in mind , can you go with my sister? She kinda have a crush on you and she's still looking for a date ." Jayden said.

"Jeneya have a crush on me ? You must be out of your mind. Your sister is always in her own zone. " I replied.

" We're twins. I know what I know. I didn't tell you before because you're dating that Mandy . I'm not asking you to make her your girlfriend. Just give her a chance." He said.

" Okay I'll go with her . But I still don't believe about the crush thing . I don't plan on being in a relationship though. " I said.

" Like I said, just give her a chance. My sister is amazing. You'll see soon . You won't even notice how you end up falling for her ." He winked at me .

" You're the first person I know to encourage his friends to date his sister. This is something new ." I chuckled.

" I know you're a good guy . You won't hurt my sister." He said.

It makes my heart warm that he think of me like that. I've always thought Jeneya is a good girl but that's all I thought about her . She just always has been my best friend's sister to me . I didn't imagine that she might have a crush on me ..

" How will I even ask her ? That'll be so awkward. What if she didn't like it ?" I said.

" Leave that to me . I'll worry about that . Besides she'll be thrilled to just go with you . You're her crush. Please don't be harsh on my sister. She's a sweet girl." He chuckled. Something's wrong with this guy but he's still my best friend.

" Just do me favour okay . She'll agree to set me up with Daisy if I got her a date with you. I want to go with Daisy but I don't want to just walk up and ask her . She already rejected so many people. I don't want to be one of them ." He said.

So that's what this is about. I knew there was something off . He's planning something.

" I'm only going because I think Jeneya is great. I have a good impression of her . But I'm telling you I don't like your plan . You don't care if your sister will get hurt . You're so cold hearted." I said .

" My sister will be fine . You worry about her so much . How could you hurt her ? She's in good hands . Do you really want her to be with someone who'll play with her feelings and make her cry. I don't want her to go with some stranger. I'm doing the right thing here ." He argued. I felt like it does make sense . Jeneya seems naive. If she end up with bad company, they'll take advantage of her . Okay I'll do this . I'm gonna protect her . It makes me angry just thinking about someone playing around with her . I may be feeling like a shit right now but that doesn't mean I can't make her happy for the night.