I Am A Dan-Maker!

I Am A Dan-Maker! . . .

The girl couldn't believe the unexpected turn of events. She had launched a vile attack on a superior cultivator known for his bad temper, putting him in grave danger. Yet, instead of seeking revenge, he showed her kindness and spared her life. He didn't kill her, nor did he subject her to torture. Instead, he bestowed upon her a wealth of treasures and materials.

"Why?" the girl asked, her confusion evident. Her curiosity was mirrored by everyone present.

Cha Eun Xiao closed his eyes, a pained expression on his face, as he responded, "No reason. I just don't want to kill you. We've never met before, and I don't need a reason to show mercy."

The girl stood bewildered, and Cha Eun Xiao implored, "Why don't you just go? Do you wish to die here?"

Her astonishment was apparent, and she promptly knelt before him, kowtowing in gratitude. In a low voice, she said, "I am sorry. Thank you." With that, she swiftly turned and fled.

Some of those present contemplated giving chase, but Cha Eun Xiao restrained them. He watched the girl's departure, his eyes revealing a mix of reluctance and care.

Fang Dalong couldn't comprehend this act of mercy. He was moved to tears and asked, "Master, why did you let that murderer go? I hoped she would be torn to pieces..."

Cha Eun Xiao shook his head and managed a bitter smile. "Why? I owe her that much."

In his eyes, a peculiar emotion lingered. He continued, "I've contemplated how I would meet my end. I didn't want to die. I've struggled and fought, believing I must take all of you back to the sect. Now it appears I won't make it."

His voice quivered as he went on, "I'm going to die from Nine Determination Dark Poison. A famous incurable poison in the Qing-Yun Realm. But to die like this... I should be satisfied."

Fang Dalong wept openly. However, a voice resounded with determination, "Elder Xiao, I'm here. You won't die. Nine Determination Dark Poison? So what!"

All eyes turned to Cha Chongxiao, the young man who had recently consumed the inner core of the Golden-scaled Dragon Fish.

Fang Dalong was elated and grabbed Cha Eun Xiao's hand. "Chongxiao, can you really?"

Cha Eun Xiao affirmed with a resolute tone, "I can't guarantee that I can cure it; it must be a tricky poison. However, I am confident I can at least delay its effects. I can suppress the poison's impact, preventing him from dying."

He approached Xiao Mufei, and the others parted, their eyes filled with anticipation.

Xiao Mufei remained dazed. He managed a bitter smile, saying, "I don't want to die, but... I suppose this is it. Nine Determination Dark Poison... It's incurable. Don't waste your time..."

In his eyes, a wistful look appeared as he muttered, "I knew it was a trap... Yet I walked into it willingly..."

Cha Eun Xiao advanced and said, "Don't speak for now. You're not in charge here. Let's see what my dan beads can do first."

From inside his clothing, he produced a jade bottle containing a supreme dan bead—the Supreme Antidote Dan. He placed it in Xiao Mufei's mouth.

"It won't work... This is incurable in Qing-Yun Realm... It isn't ordinary poison," Xiao Mufei objected, unwilling to see Cha Eun Xiao attempt something futile. However, to his amazement, a mysterious mist and clouds materialized before his eyes.

Suddenly, his failing body was infused with newfound energy. A continuous stream of vitality seemed to flood into him, reinvigorating his being. His eyes lit up with renewed hope.

The spectators were utterly taken aback by this mystical spectacle. After a moment of astonished silence, someone cried out, "Supreme Dan?"

The word echoed through the group, "Supreme Dan?"

They couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Some even pinched themselves to confirm it was not a dream.

"Could it be... the mythical treasure?"

It was beyond belief.

The mist and clouds had appeared for just an instant, but they recognized it for what it was—a supreme dan bead, which had been fed into Xiao Mufei's mouth. He felt the dan dissolve into a mouthful of fluid that ran down his throat, filling his senses with an exquisite aroma. Even before reaching his stomach, it had already surged into his limbs.

The poison, which had nearly reached his heart, was now retreating.

But Cha Eun Xiao didn't stop there. He revealed a knife, swaying it and cutting a piece of flesh from Xiao Mufei's chest. He repeated the action on his legs, causing foul-smelling black blood to spurt from the wounds. In the blink of an eye, the knife vanished. Cha Eun Xiao continued to work on Xiao Mufei's body as though playing an instrument.

By applying spiritual energy pressure, he caused dark blood to gush out like arrows. Soon, the blood turned from black to a healthy red. Without hesitation, Cha Eun Xiao tapped the wounds several times to stop the bleeding and sealed them. He acted swiftly, ensuring the loss of blood didn't lead to Xiao Mufei's demise.

"Well done, Brother Cha! I had no idea you were so skilled in medicine!" Fang Dalong exclaimed, noting the improved color in Xiao Mufei's face. Although he was still pale, it was a marked improvement. Fang Dalong was relieved and inquired, "Are you a physician?"

"No, I'm a dan-maker," Cha Eun Xiao replied, his voice tinged with sorrow. "This dan bead... My master gave it to me before he died. It's the only one in existence. According to his words on his deathbed, this dan bead is of epic quality. It's the only supreme dan bead we've had in thousands of years... It's our unique treasure."


The over one hundred members of the Cold Moon Palace were left dumbfounded.