My Soul Power, Your Strength!

My Soul Power, Your Strength! . . .

The discovery of a bone pile that had likely rested undisturbed for tens of thousands of years had left Cha Eun Xiao thoroughly perturbed. The chilling reality of the situation sent shivers down his spine. Still, he couldn't linger in fear; he had to take the next necessary steps. With diligence, he began sorting the bones, distinguishing the sound and solid ones from the decayed remains. Over the course of a meal, he cleared a space beneath his feet.

Addressing the fallen warriors, Cha Eun Xiao said, "You were all heroes in your lifetimes, and it's a tragedy that you've been left exposed to the elements. Today, I'm here, and perhaps I can provide some help. Rest in peace, masters."

He muttered those words before unleashing a powerful blow to the ground, creating a sizeable pit. The normal bones were carefully placed within this grave, while the brighter and more durable stones were set aside for later use.

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but ponder the identity of the individuals to whom these bones belonged. They must have been immensely influential in their era, having left an indelible mark on history. His thoughts were filled with respect and a desire to provide them with a final resting place, free from the elements.

As Cha Eun Xiao diligently worked, he also hoped to locate the body of Fierce Blade Li Wuliang. A mere two years had passed since Li Wuliang had disappeared over the cliff. Considering his status as a high-level Dao Origin Stage cultivator, his body should not have decayed so rapidly. Cha Eun Xiao scrutinized each corpse he examined, keenly searching for any sign of Li Wuliang.

His frustration grew as time passed, for despite gaining copious amounts of soul power, he had yet to find the one thing he most desired.

His mind raced, contemplating the absence of weapons among the countless dead bodies. Even if the weapons had been broken in battle, remnants should have remained. Yet, not a single weapon or fragment could be found.

This quandary became even more perplexing when he considered the sword of Li Wuliang. A location as expansive as the battlefield should have rendered it impossible for him to miss the weapon with his spiritual senses. Yet, it seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Cha Eun Xiao pondered the mystery, wondering how this could be possible.

In the midst of his contemplation, something extraordinary occurred on the ninety-nine mounds behind him. In the otherwise serene silence, white plumes of smoke began to emerge from each mound. These ethereal wisps ascended individually before converging into a singular stream that wafted into the sky.

Unbeknownst to Cha Eun Xiao, an astonishing phenomenon was unfolding. Each of the ninety-nine mounds had come alive with smoke, leaving observers both awestruck and baffled.

Suddenly, Cha Eun Xiao sensed an unsettling disturbance behind him and turned to witness the spectacle. The sight of smoke rising from the mounds to the sky, only to be swiftly pulled back to the earth's surface, left him in disbelief.

As he beheld this eerie display, the surrounding area began to shift. The ground seemed to rise slowly as though a colossal creature were emerging from below. Cha Eun Xiao, though valiant, felt his complexion pale. Reacting swiftly, he engaged his martial arts to full capacity.

With a mighty rumble, a massive stone stele surfaced from the ground.

"Today's battle must remain shrouded in secrecy. Those who bury us will be blessed with immense fortune," the inscription on the stele read.

Cha Eun Xiao stood stunned. His experience within the precipice had become a series of shocks and surprises that tested his mettle. This latest development was equally bewildering.

The stele continued to reveal more inscriptions, chronicling an intriguing tale of events.

"Three bolts of lightning. A frigid sky. A million demons. Brothers and sisters. Sacrifices. Blood in the realm."

"In the year, during the month, for unknown reasons, three bolts of lightning pierced the heavens and earth, creating a tear in the celestial realm. A million demons entered the mortal world."

"Millions of brothers joined the fight against the demonic horde. The demons possessed weapons that could kill at the slightest touch, but Heaven Inverse Art harnessed the power of the Magnetic Mountain to disarm both sides. All weapons vanished."

The revelation of a "demonic war" left Cha Eun Xiao in awe as he pondered the significance of the story.

The inscriptions on the stone stele left Cha Eun Xiao in a state of utter astonishment. These cryptic yet revealing words told a tale of unparalleled sacrifice, and their implications were profound.

The precipice had once witnessed a cataclysmic event, a climactic clash between cultivators and demons. To prevent further havoc from these demonic forces, the cultivators employed an art known as Heaven Inverse Art. This martial skill activated the magnetic mountain's power from beyond the heavens, resulting in the removal of all weapons from both sides.

The Ocean Overturning Art served to block any escape routes, compelling the confrontation to take place within the precipice. What was more astonishing was that this blockade was two-fold, preventing not only the demons from fleeing but also the cultivators from escaping the ensuing battle.

Before the battle truly commenced, an astounding and somber act occurred. Thirty thousand exceptional cultivators, individuals of immense power and influence, willingly ended their lives. This extraordinary act allowed their soul power to serve as a binding force, constraining all living entities within the precipice. None would exit the battle alive.

The gravity of this revelation underscored the profound sense of self-sacrifice and the enormity of the struggle. It was a demonstration of the unimaginable lengths to which the heroes went to protect their realm from the demonic menace.

The inscriptions continued, noting that after a hundred thousand years, the soul chains would loosen, and the spirits of those fallen heroes would finally be released from their long imprisonment. In the interim, their souls would serve as a testament to the valor of those who had made this ultimate sacrifice.

The inscriptions concluded with a pledge of soul power, a gift to those who would one day come to bury the heroes. These heroes, whose identities remained humble, were willing to become a source of strength for their benefactor. The promise of "Soul power! Promise! Forever!" rang through the ages.

Cha Eun Xiao was deeply moved by this incredible story of selflessness and heroism. The words etched on the stone were not mere text but an everlasting testament to the valor and noble sacrifice of millions of cultivators. He couldn't help but admire the generous spirit of the person who penned these words.

These heroes had selflessly given their lives to protect the realm from demonic forces. Their legacy continued to shine brightly, even after a century had passed.

Cha Eun Xiao finally understood why the three factions couldn't harvest the soul power. It was because the souls of the deceased could only be harnessed by the one who took on the task of burying them.

With this newfound knowledge, he continued to lay the fallen heroes to rest, recognizing the tremendous significance of his actions. As he did so, an extraordinary transformation occurred. The bones, which had remained pristine for tens of thousands of years, abruptly turned to ash, releasing streams of pure cyan qi, the essence of soul power. These minuscule streams of energy coalesced in the air before surging into Cha Eun Xiao's head.

He was powerless to resist this influx of soul power, which filled his mind with a brilliant explosion of sensations and imagery. The universe seemed to shatter into a kaleidoscope of colorful fragments, and reality disintegrated into countless pieces before him.

Suddenly, he collapsed, his face upturned to the sky. The world spun around him, and an excruciating headache set in. Cha Eun Xiao had been granted the incomprehensible power of the fallen heroes, but the cost was a harrowing experience that now overwhelmed his senses.