People from Qiong-Hua Palace

People from Qiong-Hua Palace . . .

Cha Eun Xiao, despite his incredible power, found himself standing alone. He pondered how much opposition he could withstand, even though he was as formidable as an iron plate. Despite his boundless energy, he questioned how many battles he could win. The various clans boasted many talented young men, and they were determined to challenge him one by one. His strength was undeniable, but they had numbers on their side, and they were eager to see who would endure until the end.

What transpired next was Cha Eun Xiao's personal spectacle on the stage. Youngsters from other clans approached one by one, only to be swiftly defeated and knocked off the stage. It became a repetitive pattern—clan members ascending the stage, only to descend shortly thereafter.

"Cha Clan secures a Regeneration Ink Lotus!" The judge's monotone announcements reflected his boredom and exhaustion. His voice bore the weight of countless repetitions, as if he had been through a punishing ordeal.

Over time, more than thirty lotuses were claimed by the Cha Clan. Cha Eun Xiao himself had little interest in such modest prizes, especially when the lotuses were of lower quality. However, for the clans, these lotuses were crucial for their livelihoods.

As they watched the lotuses being handed over to the Cha Clan, envy and frustration filled the eyes of the other clans. Their earlier strategy of attrition had proven ineffective. Cha Eun Xiao seemed to avoid making any substantial attacks, merely swatting away one young man after another. It didn't matter how renowned a youth was in the district; they all met the same fate—being knocked off the stage.

Despite more than thirty consecutive fights, Cha Eun Xiao showed no signs of fatigue, let alone energy depletion. His composure remained unwavering. His demeanor, posture, and aura exuded a quiet confidence.

In the distance, several groups of people rushed toward the stage, driven by their desire to obtain Regeneration Ink Lotus. It wasn't just Misty Cloud Palace that needed them; other factions had their reasons, albeit not as pressing.

"Cha Clan secures another Regeneration Ink Lotus..." The announcer's voice quivered with fatigue, his face drenched in sweat, as he mechanically repeated the results.

People couldn't help but notice how drained the announcer appeared, even more so than Cha Eun Xiao, who had engaged in over sixty battles.

Ye Liangchen, the one responsible for collecting the lotuses, feigned exhaustion while secretly reveling in their success. He wiped his brow and pretended to be worn out, lamenting, "Oh heavens... My Brother Xiao is truly remarkable, simply outstanding. As for me, Liangchen of the Cha Clan, I come and go carrying these heavy lotuses. It's fine if they only make me sweat, but they're weakening my legs. I just can't gain weight, no matter how much I eat. How can I make my legs stronger..."

Many in the crowd glared at him with burning anger in their eyes, as if they wished to silence him instantly.

One man flaunted his achievements on the stage, while another pretended to be unappreciative, drawing the ire of those around them.

After a brief respite, the situation on the stage remained unchanged. Cha Eun Xiao emerged victorious in his sixty-fifth battle, and the members of the Cha Clan were elated.

With their own lotuses saved, they looked forward to receiving more from contributions by other clans. Given Cha Eun Xiao's unrivaled prowess, they might end up with all the lotuses from the other clans.

However, just as another young man in black prepared to challenge Cha Eun Xiao, a calm yet commanding voice interrupted, "Wait!"

The entire assembly was taken aback, and all eyes turned in the direction of the voice. A path was cleared through the crowd as nine ladies dressed in white advanced, their presence accompanied by a delightful fragrance.

The nine ladies, adorned in matching attire consisting of white garments and silver scabbards, shared a striking resemblance. Each of them possessed a tall, slender figure, radiating a blend of beauty, elegance, and an air of otherworldly coolness.

At the forefront, a lady with a graceful bun atop her head commanded attention. She exuded an aura of elegance and cold aloofness, her countenance marked by an exquisite beauty. Cold, resolute lights sparkled in her eyes as she moved gracefully, and her gaze remained unwaveringly fixed upon Cha Eun Xiao, who held his ground on the stage.

Those who caught a glimpse of her were struck by the overwhelming presence she exuded, rendering them hesitant to even take a deep breath. A profound hush blanketed the entire vicinity as if a spell of silence had been cast.

The ladies appeared like celestial beings descending from the heavens to the mortal realm. Despite their presence in the impure and mundane world, they retained an ethereal purity and refinement, seemingly beyond the reach of ordinary mortals.

A silver floral emblem adorning their sleeves revealed their identity—Qiong-Hua Palace. These women hailed from the Three Great Palaces, an institution renowned in equal measure to the Misty Cloud Palace.

At the sight of these unexpected arrivals, Cha Nantian's countenance darkened, his previous composure faltering. Among the onlookers from various clans, expressions varied, but a shared sense of schadenfreude was evident.

"What happened to the mighty Cha Clan? Weren't you poised to claim all the lotuses and bask in glory?" they seemed to taunt. "Now, let's see if you can hold out until the Misty Cloud Palace arrives. You'll need all your strength to contend with the ladies from Qiong-Hua Palace."

Deep down, everyone knew the reason behind the ladies' presence. It revolved solely around the existence of Cha Nantian and Cha Eun Xiao.