Different Monsters

I woke up at seven and took another shower. I put on a black skirt and a green T-shirt. I brushed my hair and put it in a bun. I then put on my boots which were the only shoes I had. Maybe I could ask Elizabeth to go shoe shopping after work. I grabbed my phone and changed the number. Then I called the company and made it so I was the one paying the bills for my phone. I grabbed some money and put it in a purse Everest gave me yesterday. I took my ID out of my backpack and put it in a wallet which went into the…I mean, my purse. Ugh, having a new life is confusing.

I glanced at my watch and hurried into the kitchen to get a quick breakfast. All that had taken me fifty minutes. I don't want to be late for my first day. Elizabeth was already there and she smiled when she saw me. "Here. I made you toast," she said handing me the toast with peanut butter on it.

"Thank you," I said accepting it.

"You're welcome. Let's go." We got into a Subaru and she drove us to a little blue-green store.

"'Lizzy's Clothes'," I read out loud. It was a good name and made sure everyone knew the owner.

She nodded. "Eve suggested I have my name somewhere in the store's title." Ah, I should have realized that. We went in and sat in the back sewing. "May I ask what the monster that killed your parents looked like?"

The needle poked my finger. I winced and looked up at her. "I really don't like thinking about it." Even though it pops into my head all the damn time.

Elizabeth gave me a small smile. "You were young. I can understand that it was scary. I was just wondering because I could tell you what the monster is called."

"Oh." I mulled it over for a minute. "Okay, but I'll only say it once."


I bit my lip and brought the memory to the front of my mind. It had gray scales, long claws, sharp teeth, a tail with a sharp tip, and very red eyes." Eyes that I could never forget. "It had been eating my mom when I saw it."

Her eyes were wide. "Your parents were killed by a FleshEater?"

I blinked. "Is that what that thing was called?"


"Oh, then yes, that's what they were killed by." I hesitated. "May I ask what monster you've seen, Elizabeth?"

She smiled. "Please, call my Lizzy. I saw a Fangtor."

"A what?"

"It's a black-skinned thing with wings, claws, and poison fangs. It had walked past the car while we were all in the gas station. I had just looked outside at the right moment."

"How old were you?"

"Hmm, I was three."

"Were you scared when you saw it?"

She shook her head. "No, I was happy. It made me feel like I had finally become a Lockwood."

"What did Everest see?"

She giggled. "A Puffer. It's a speedy thing about two feet high and a foot long. They aren't dangerous. She had been two and screamed her head off when she saw it. Mom and Dad saw an Airrender. They look like scorpions but have wings and if you get bit, it's hard to pry their jaws off. The stinger is something you should avoid because if you get stung, you're poisoned. Mom just finished making some antivenom for it."

"What about Bennet?" I asked curiously.

"Bennet saw a Fangtor too when he was two."

"And Mary's never seen one," I said thoughtfully.

"Nope, though out of all the monsters, FelshEaters are the most dangerous. Their claws and tails are poisonous."

"Is there an antivenom for that?"


"Okay." We sewed in silence for a minute. "Are you in Everest's group?" I asked. Yes, my curiosity is growing. But I won't be joining them.

She smiled. "I am but I don't go to all the meetings since I have this place to look after. Bennet's in the group too."

"So you're the one bringing in the money to support the group." That's kind of messed up. They rely on her to be able to get their equipment and stuff.

She nodded. "Bennet and a couple of others too. Our equipment is kind of expensive."

"What's the group's name?"

"Dark Savers."

"Do you kill the monsters or catch them?"

"Sometimes we catch them so we can study them and make antivenom. Other times, it's either too dangerous to catch them or we've already done all our research for them."

"So you kill them."

"Yes, all of them get killed eventually. Did Miss Slade really beat you?"

I sighed. "It was really just us being smacked. We were never really beaten."

"Okay, but you were starved?"

"Yes, but only when she thought we did something wrong. But that stuff happened less and less as she became forgetful."

"I see. Eve told me you liked the long walks."

I shrugged. "It got me out of that place for a time."

"May I ask where all those scars on your arms are from? I noticed them last night but didn't think you'd want to draw attention to it."

I looked down at my work. "No one was adopting me and I got depressed so I started cutting myself. I stopped two weeks before I ran away." I looked at her. "Lizzy, I want a normal life so I want to stay away from monsters and stuff." I hope that doesn't bother her.

"That's understandable. We won't force you to do anything you don't want to."

"Thank you." We continued sewing. At least I now knew the name of the thing that killed my parents. "Lizzy, I know the rest of your family will want to know about the monster that killed my parents, so will you tell them?"

She nodded. "Of course."

I winced when I poked my finger with the needle again. "Who else is in Dark Savers?"

"Me, Bennet, Eve (Who's the leader), Vincent Oak, his year younger brother Theodore, Brooklyn Dune. Jordan Zole, Martin Zoom, and Darla Jewel."

"Wow. Have they all seen a monster?:

"Not yet but they still believe they're real. Unlike some people." She had disgust in her voice when she said that last sentence. I knew she was talking about Mary. Honestly, Mary not believing in monsters was ridiculous because her whole family had seen one. She's outnumbered big time but she still refuses to believe.

I nodded and we fell silent again. I had always believed in the supernatural and monsters. I kept hoping my parents would come back as ghosts so I could have them around to talk to and ask for their advice on stuff. They never did and, after thinking it through, I was glad. It meant they had no unfinished business. I was happy they were able to rest in peace. I just wish I had been there when they were buried.

I never really got to say goodbye. Maybe I'll go and find their graves when I get my license. I already had my permit so just doing the driver's test should get me my license. I looked out the window and saw a boy walking toward the store. He came in and he had the bluest eyes I've ever seen. They were a darker blue than Everest's. He had brown hair, a straight nose, and full lips. He was very handsome.

He looked at me briefly before turning to Lizzy. "Darla saw a Fangtor," he said in a soft voice.

Lizzy sighed. "So there's a hunt tonight?"

"Yes." He looked at me. "You could come if you want."