56 Just Make Love, Don't Fight.

Chapter 56

Selena’s POV

Charles's d.ick is at the entrance to my wet garden. My legs opened wider unconsciously, as if inviting him in.

Charles held my left n.ipple in one hand and my right n.ipple in his mouth. As he sucked, he licked the n.ipple with his tongue.

My nipple was wet and hard, like an erect pebble, with a little drool running down the line of my breasts.

I put my fingers in Charles's hair and held my head back comfortably to breathe.

Charles purposely rubbed his hot d.ick against the outside of my garden, and soon I felt the garden completely wet with my own running water.

I let out a cry and bit my lip again. It made me feel a little ashamed, but I couldn't help wanting more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Do you want it, baby..."

Charles's voice was hoarse. He flirted with me, and as he pushed my legs further apart, I could almost feel my c.litoris shiver shyly. And then his big d.ick thrusted right into my garden.