63 Fight Back

Faye's POV

You know what?

A good way to cover up or end a hot topic event is to divert attention to another hot topic.

Most people's memories are no different from goldfish, they forget what happened before real quick.

As I walked into school again, I knew something new had happened.

Nobody was throwing probing, gossip-filled glances at me anymore, because that was just a waste of time. After all, I was just a washed-up gossip queen.

Now, a new gossip star is rising.

Classmates are eagerly devouring the latest issue of "Moonlight Detective".

I couldn't help but show one of the few relaxed smiles I've had in the past few days.

Hedy asked me to meet her at the school café.

As I walked into the café, I spotted Hedy in the corner, wearing a hat which was unusual for her (she loves wearing hats), trying to shrink her body at the small round table.

"Hedy!" I called out to her.

She lowered the brim of her hat and quickly got up to pull me down to sit with her. "Shhh, shhh!"