Chapter 230: Slight insult to me, slight wash of my clothes_1

"Purge my privates, cleanse my garments!"

"This is a basic cleaning spell you'll be learning."

"'Purge' is an auxiliary particle, an inviting word... much like the legendary creatures familiar to you all in the Binding Spell such as Gē, Tán, and Lěi, through the 'purge' in this spell, you can summon a mysterious race from the void - the Snail Matriarch Clan."

"For you young ones, the Snail Matriarch Clan might be an obscure concept... but they have a quite famous close relative, the screw-maiden elf."

There was a buzz of realization in the classroom.

Of course, responses were mostly from the wizard-born students, such as Zhang Ji Xin, Jiang Yu, Matthew, Tang Dun, and others.