On the twenty-third, sweet treats stick; on the twenty-fourth, sweep the house clean.
The second day after Zheng Qing returned home was January 19th, coinciding with the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month.
Early in the morning, after completing his morning exercises, he was urged by his parents to start the big clean-up. In Zheng Qing's opinion, such nuisances could be easily handled by flipping through the Law book and casting a couple of minor spells.
But reality taught him that one should always prepare for the worst.
Because as Zheng Qing was cleaning, there was always an "adult" watching him - sometimes it was his grandfather, other times Father of Zheng Qing, and then Mother of Zheng Qing - they always seemed to find a reason to stay by Zheng Qing's side, like helping him rinse the rags, supporting a stool, or simply standing nearby, incessantly talking while he worked.
This prevented our wizard from using magic to slack off.