Chapter 14: 7-Day Talk

Although he had an unexpected encounter with a Wild Demon in the neighborhood and was dissatisfied and complained about the development of the situation at heart, Zheng Qing still stayed at home for two full weeks before leaving for school on February 2nd.

This was the result of a combination of factors.

On one hand, it was because before leaving school, he had agreed with the school to return through the "Clock Passageway" on the afternoon of February 2nd at 4:45 PM. Any changes during this period would mean not only a large amount of paperwork and material work but also the additional cost of a "Temporary Passageway" fee.

Compared to staying at home for a few more days, the cost of returning early was clearly not worthwhile.

On the other hand, it was related to old social interactions.

Zheng Qing had truly entered the Magical World of the Wizards for just over half a year, while he had lived in Pingyang City, in the world of ordinary people, for a full eighteen years.