The outskirts of the Silent Forest, due to wind erosion and water damage, had trees that were all somewhat stunted. There were not many dead branches and fallen leaves scattered around these trees. Furthermore, as it was now the season of reproduction, the trees were not content to be left behind and true to the ancient saying, "old trees bloom in spring," the wood suitable for firewood had become even scarcer.
Zheng Qing, at the edge of the forest, finally picked up the first piece of wood suitable for firewood.
This was a dead branch that had fallen from a Return Soul Poplar, and it still had a few fancily described 'caterpillars' wriggling on it. Zheng Qing pinched the root of the dead branch, shaking those crawling 'caterpillars' onto the ground. The caterpillars landed, flipped over, and disappeared into the crevices of the dead branches and leaves in an instant.
These 'caterpillars' were actually the seeds of the Return Soul Poplar.