Chapter 156: Closing the Shop

"In broad daylight, you actually attacked our shop assistant!"

Equally snapping back to reality, Zhang Ji Xin's eyes gleamed as he swung his fist and charged forward, at the same time shouting, "Good job, kid, you've really got some nerve!"

But it was unclear whether his words were praising Hank the Fox Five or questioning the unaware Arthur Ness.

However, Elder Zhang Da had barely taken a step in his charge when he was stopped by his own team captain.

"Now is not the time to fight!" Zheng Qing grabbed the red-faced male wizard who was charging forward, then he turned back to his companions and rapidly arranged, "Elders and the heavyset one, help gather all the Fishman merchandise in the store, then hand it to Hank; he'll take it to Greenhill Mansion first… Doctor is in charge of performing 'Anti-Divination Magic,' clean up the scene! Ding Dang Ears, go behind the bar, find all the official receipts for the sales of Fishman Tribe merchandise!"