Chapter 191 The Charm Gun was Taken Away

Zheng Qing's two talisman guns were ultimately taken away by the Yellow Flowered Cat.

This was because Yellow Flowered Cat said it could find Mr. Wu to help Zheng Qing repair the guns.

According to Yellow Flowered Cat, having Mr. Wu repair the talisman guns would not incur any cost—after all, Zheng Qing was his student—and the teacher could also upgrade the spell formula on the body of the gun, thereby preventing the spells from being damaged or erased after firing a couple of shots.

It sounded good, but the young cost student was quite suspicious that a more important factor in Yellow Flowered Cat's actions was to limit his 'destructive power'. After all, he already had a record. Recently, of the two shots he fired, one exploded the descendant of Satoguya and the other nearly killed a student from the school.

If Zheng Qing did not plan to spend his life in isolation in the special prison in Danghag, then certain self-restraint was absolutely necessary.