"How dare you!!!"
A shriek erupted from a dark corner of the street, and a short Trickster in a ragged grey robe burst out, grabbing hold of Oleg's coat with bravery and crying out, "How dare you kick a Wizard's mushrooms!"
Oleg stopped in his tracks and glanced down in confusion.
This short Trickster was somewhat hunchbacked, with grey-white boils hanging from both cheeks, sparse eyebrows, and elongated eyes that drooped downwards at the corners. This gave his gaze an inexplicably fierce quality when he looked at people.
Oleg recognized him as a destitute from the North District, fond of setting up scams and cons on normal days. If someone was willing to offer a few Copper Coins, this man would not have a problem licking the muddy soles of their boots.