Chapter 30: Lies are Beautiful Soap Bubbles

"I'll give it to you in a week," the employee behind the reception desk said.

"A week? That's too long, I'm in a hurry, can't you do it faster?" Lincoln pleaded.

"Have you been drinking in the morning? Are you not in your right mind? Can't you see I'm busy?" The employee turned around, continuing to chat quietly with another colleague.

Lincoln silently complained to himself. "I worked overtime tirelessly, yet had to support three slackers like these; such was the reality of a big company. But if this money could all be mine, that would be the rightful reward for my efforts."

But he tried to make a smile and wants to give it one last try.

"This project has been delayed for a long time already, and the boss won't be happy with me. Could you please speed up a bit?" 

"The boss doesn't care about you. Why should I bother? Do it yourself if you want it done quickly!" the slacker replied without any courtesy.

Lincoln sighed and said to himself, "It looks like my only option is to hire a private company to prepare the materials I need."

He can't stop muttering to himself:"Since I started at this big company, I've realized they don't pay well. Living tight, even borrowing from family. And all this pretending, acting like I've got plenty of money, telling my family about the job perks. Good? Hmph, what a joke!"

"Working overtime, overtime, endless overtime, and it's all voluntary working overtime. The so-called flexible working hours have even stripped away the meager overtime pay."

"Every day is consumed by endless projects and tasks, with hardly any weekends, often working late into the night. However, the leisurely departments in these big companies are filled with people with backgrounds and relationships. They enjoy high salaries but do the least work. As long as the bosses are satisfied, they can even get away with anything, even if they mess up terribly."

Lincoln's anger made it hard for him to breathe.

From afar, Mowen witnessed this scene. He had also endured a lot in the past and felt sorry for his friend. So, he walked over, patting Lincoln on the shoulder.

"Hey Lincoln, how about thinking over our friends' problems when the day starts?"

"Like the saying goes, 'If you plan to complain about others, you should first walk a mile in their shoes.'"

Upon hearing this, the slacker couldn't help but glance at the deliveryman from a distance. "Even though his job was straightforward, his words sounded reassuring."

Lincoln froze, his anger about to explode in front of his friend.

A voice yelling deep inside of his heart: "I work so hard, and some people just waste others' time without putting in any effort themselves. Is that fair? Every time there's a problem, I have to take the blame, even if it's not my fault, I'm expected to understand others' difficulties. The boss always say that, but how can my friend say the same to me?"

"Mo, you're not seeing the full picture. Are you saying I need to be more understanding when people treat me unfairly?"

"Relax, what I'm saying is, by doing this, you can keep your distance from that jerk and maybe even score a free pair of shoes from him, hahaha."

The employees in the queue burst into unrestrained laughter. They had been suppressed for too long. Only the slacker stood up, his face turning liver-colored with anger.

In the afternoon, at the office entrance, the boss, Wen Bo, stood with a gloomy face, loudly asking, "I'll say it again, this is voluntary overtime. Is there anyone who doesn't want to? Raise your hand and let me see." His gaze sternly swept over everyone.

Boss Wen Bo, in his forties, usually keeps his hair short and neat, with hair gel combing his hair back, subtly revealing a sharp and efficient atmosphere. He sports a "Van Dyke" beard popular overseas.

He initially attended a local university in Area 19 before being sent by his family to a prestigious overseas university for further studies. Upon graduation, he was directed by his family to return home and join the family business.

Quickly rising through the ranks, he assumed the position of general manager at the large company upon entering the industry. Wearing a smile, he exudes a friendly demeanor at work, as if he's approachable. His stylish glasses add to the impression of importance and success that he projects to others.

The employees near the boss lowered their heads, and the sound of the keyboard being struck became louder.

"Humph, they dare not chill, I'll add more effort." Boss Wen Bo patted his belly, the recent fat grew quite fast.

"You guys have it so much better than we did back then. "We were too busy to see the sun in a day. We just worked hard to attract business, and that's how we secured our position in the industry today."

He continued, "Do you know how many people are trying to get into our company by hook or by crook, even a prestigious university may not be able to get in. So, you must cherish your positions."

In the hall, his voice grew louder, "Some young folks might feel the pay is low and the work is tough. But now's your opportunity to sharpen your skills. Even outside bosses have to respect you as a manager here. In the future, with your skills and qualifications, other companies will eagerly seek you out."

Wen Bo instinctively patted the shoulder of the young man beside him. "Who says you won't be the next manager in five years? In ten years, you could be the big boss."

The young man clapped excitedly, his face flushing with enthusiasm.

Finally, Wen Bo concluded with satisfaction, "Look around you, those who've successfully become managers are all long-time employees. They never fuss about overtime pay, don't waste time on vacations, and many aren't even married. That's the spirit of our company."

An old employee asked with a bitter face, "What about those of us who made the wrong choice and got married?"

The boss glanced at him and replied, "Married? Then work overtime, no need to worry about household chores, and no need to argue with your wife. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?"

There was a burst of laughter among the employees, and the boss was pleased, today's effect was good.

Seeing Boss Wen Bo carrying a coffee cup out of the office, Lincoln hurried over, bowed to the boss, and quietly asked, "Boss Wen, today is my birthday, can I not work overtime?"

His words were full of bitterness, he had been working overtime for a week in a row, feeling like a cheap sugarcane being constantly squeezed in the company. He remembered the news report this morning, a worker who had been working overtime for a month suddenly died, but couldn't even get a compensation fee. His wife wanted to seek the wages owed by the company, but no one paid any attention, the worker was like a used rag being discarded.

Lincoln bowed slightly to the boss with a bitter smile, "I'm sorry, I'm really too tired today, can I not work overtime?"

The colleagues next to him looked at this warrior with both surprise and admiration, but heard the boss laugh coldly and loudly, "Look, you all look, a bachelor is in a hurry to celebrate his own birthday, don't you know how important our project is?

I haven't celebrated my birthday in 10 years; why can't you do the same?", The boss didn't even look at Lincoln, "If you're craving cake, I'll buy you one!"

Lincoln's face turned red, he couldn't speak, turned around and walked back to his desk, followed by a burst of laughter, the boss was even more pleased.

Half an hour later, the boss was making a phone call while walking down the elevator, "Ah, daddy's good boy, daddy will buy you a gift when I get home, okay? What, you don't like toy cars anymore? Then I'll buy you a drone, okay?"

Then he made a second call, whispering, "Honey, I'll be there soon, what overtime, I'm the boss, that's the worker's job. Exploitation? If I don't exploit them, where do I get the money to buy you gifts. Oh, oh, that won't work, I can't go home too late, otherwise my wife will notice us."