Chapter 40: Unexpected Livestream

The sharp blade struck down, and blood spattered everywhere, the victim's life gone in an instant. This was no longer the stall owner Mowen knew; instead, he had become a man consumed by misfortune and rage. Now out of control, his viciousness turned him into someone unrecognizable.

Mowen remembered the man as always smiling and calling him a "handsome young man." He would give Mowen extra food whenever possible. Now, as he watched the man's transformation, Mowen wondered if there was a way to reach him and bring him back to normal. His heart ached seeing the man he once knew reduced to this state.

Mowen wanted to intervene, but Monk Red Raven pulled him back just in time. As he surveyed the situation, he noticed Monk Red Raven wasn't frightened; instead, he seemed excited, rubbing his hands together. He exclaimed, "Kid, you must be using some sort of illusion magic here, pretty impressive!"

Apart from this brave monk, Mowen also noticed a group of young adults nearby, likely in their early twenties. They weren't scared; rather, they were thrilled, constantly taking photos and videos on their phones, with one even live streaming.

"My friends, something big is happening today, and it's absolutely explosive!" a young man excitedly live-streamed. "This is a scene you'll never see in your entire life! Something beyond your imagination is happening right now. Here, at this street food market, there are actual zombies, just like in the movies! It's happening right here among us!"

Monk Red Raven shouted to them, "You all shouldn't just stand there watching, run away!"

Meanwhile, those covered in black flowers caught the scent of fresh, living prey, their eyes glowing red as they charged at the remaining healthy people. The young adults, relying on their agility, quickly scaled the street's walls and continued filming the scene.

The street became a chaotic mess—overturned tables, spilled food, and the loud screams and running footsteps created a tense atmosphere.

Mowen and Monk Red Raven faced the charging undead, their sharp claws ready to strike. Monk Red Raven didn't panic; instead, he laughed heartily, rolling up his sleeves. "Come on, let me see what you've got!"

Monk Red Raven grinned as he rolled up his sleeves, his hands flexing and cracking his knuckles, revealing his powerful muscles and intimidating presence. He exclaimed excitedly, "I've been training since I was young and have mastered the Dragon Claw technique. With one strike, I can break even robot armor, but I've never faced the living dead before—this should be exciting!"

As soon as Monk Red Raven finished speaking, he moved like a storm, positioning himself in front of Mowen. In that instant, Monk Red Raven's movements seemed to surpass human limits. His agility was impressive as he alternated between punches and kicks, delivering powerful and precise strikes. His fighting style was clean and crisp, reminiscent of action scenes from movies. Each blow created intense whirlwinds in the air, showcasing his overwhelming force.

Though his martial arts were formidable, they were not as flashy as his boasts. Famous moves from anime like "Pegasus Meteor Fist," "Kamehameha," and "Limitless Jutsu: Hollow" flowed from Red Raven's lips.

When the zombies' sharp claws scraped across Monk Red Raven's arm, it sounded like branches scraping stainless steel, leaving no marks. Some zombies attempted to bite him, but their sharp fangs snapped instead.

Mowen was witnessing everything before him; seeing monsters from novels manifest in real life was beyond shocking. However, the surge of adrenaline brought with it a new kind of thrill, causing him to shiver with excitement.

Almost as if guided by an unseen force, Mowen approached one of the undead, using a plastic chair to restrain the struggling creature. He knelt down, and his hand instinctively reached out to the undead, grasping hold of a black line embedded in its flesh.

"This can't be happening!" Mowen couldn't believe his eyes. He held the black line, which resembled a tattoo, and gently pulled it from the undead's skin. The line ended in a black bud, and with a delicate tug, Mowen extracted it from the creature's flesh. The undead immediately lost its breath and lay still on the ground.

But the people around him paid no attention to what he was doing. The young person streaming the event filmed and explained as he went along, and it was clear from his commentary that he was an expert: "My friends, the real-life living dead are shocking, they're among us! They could be your friend, your husband, your wife—they're right here with us!"

"Look at that bald man down there, he's incredibly powerful and clearly a Shaolin monk! Just look at his arms—it's the legendary Shaolin Dragon Claw technique. This skill comes from Shaolin Temple and is considered one of the temple's 72 secret arts, notoriously difficult to master."

"You must be pure in body and soul to master it. Initially, you must train your hands by inserting them into beans for a year, then sand for another year, followed by iron sand for years until your arms become as hard as steel."

"When perfected, the Dragon Claw technique's finger strength is extraordinarily powerful, easily piercing through wood and brick." The young live-streamer continued his commentary.

At that moment, Monk Red Raven struck, creating a large hole in the chest of one of the zombies, releasing a torrent of eerie black blood. He clenched his five fingers, crushing the heart. This dramatic scene caused the live stream's viewership to skyrocket into five figures.

Monk Red Raven exhibited immense aura with each strike, accompanied by strong energy that caused explosions in the air. Every punch sent a zombie flying ten yards away, crashing heavily into nearby tables, chairs, and food stalls, as if they had been hit by artillery fire.

"Look! The Shaolin master is the most powerful street fighter! What incredible energy!" The young man continued excitedly live-streaming, his voice full of surprise and excitement.

"Wait! It seems like the zombies are standing up again! Even the one whose heart was crushed is getting up! It appears these zombies aren't afraid of martial arts—they're going to keep challenging the Shaolin master!

Oh, what's that? The Shaolin master is in serious trouble!"