Chapter 47: Obscured Vision

Red Raven stared gravely in the direction of Mr. Richman, where thick, black smoke billowed, carrying an increasingly acrid stench. On the opposite side, the Snake Demon General hesitated at the entrance of the alley, unsure whether to advance.

The Snake Demon General, having learned his lesson, had deployed several venomous snakes at the alley's mouth. These snakes were not hard to defeat, but they clearly functioned as a warning system, intending to delay Red Raven and Mowen for a decisive ambush.

"Kid, how long can you last in this poison smoke?" Red Raven asked.

"At most three minutes."

"I can manage ten. Alright, kid, we'll hold our breath and sprint toward the Toad Demon. Stick close to me, and charge forward without breathing!"

Mowen swiftly grabbed Red Raven, his eyes darting around as he assessed the situation.

"Hurry up, we're running out of time!" Red Raven urged, watching the black smoke thicken and press toward them as if alive.

"Master Red Raven, listen to me—we charge the Demon General first, then plunge into the smoke!"

"What are you planning?" Red Raven asked, bewildered.

Mowen didn't waste time explaining. He yanked Red Raven and dashed towards the Snake Demon General.

Mowen shouted, "Brother, it's this demon that wants to eat us! Brother, pour out more poison smoke!" He picked up bricks and stones, hurling them at the General. Red Raven, bewildered, joined in, though more intent on dodging than attacking.

Quickly, Mowen called out, "Red Raven, let's fall back to our brother!"

The smoke was a dark, rancid brown. Inhaling even a little made the surroundings twist and the stench in Mowen's nose transformed into the aroma of a sumptuous feast, urging him to breathe in deeply.

The ground trembled more violently in front of Mr. Richman as a massive shadow stirred the black smoke. He increased the flow of poison, trying to bring down his opponents while scanning around warily.

Suddenly, Mowen's voice rang out nearby: "Brother, the toad demon is just ahead! We're about to catch him!"

Shouting this, Mowen inadvertently inhaled a few gulps of the toxic smoke, feeling dizzy as the world around him warped, casting vibrant halos of light.

In this luminous haze, Mowen felt enveloped by a warm force, his steps light, as if he were floating in a dreamlike paradise. Flowers bloomed exuberantly, exuding captivating scents, while the air was filled with a gentle floral fragrance that brought a sense of tranquility and delight.

The scene before him was picturesque: distant mountains overlapped in lush greens, nearby streams gurgled with crystal-clear water. Birds flitted joyfully in the sky, and butterflies danced gracefully among the flowers. Sunlight filtered through the treetops, casting a dappled, golden light over everything.

In the midst of this verdant expanse stood a long dining table. The pristine white tablecloth gleamed softly, and the table was laden with a variety of exquisite dishes, vibrant and aromatic. Fruits, pastries, roasted meats, salads—everything was meticulously prepared, each dish seemingly crafted by master chefs.

The people here wore immaculate white robes, like angels descended to earth. Each had a crown of woven flowers, adding an air of sanctity and beauty.

Among them, Mowen saw familiar faces smiling and beckoning to him. His heart skipped a beat, and tears welled up—those were his family! His father, mother, and other relatives long gone, all dressed in white, crowned with flowers, their faces aglow with warm smiles.

They approached, embracing him tightly as if he had never left their arms. He felt their gentle caresses, the loving gaze of his grandparents. The warmth of these memories felt vividly real, almost beyond belief.

These relatives stood by the long table, inviting him to dine. Some pulled out a chair for him, others handed him a cool drink, while many eagerly introduced the unique qualities of each dish. He felt an unprecedented warmth and happiness, as if returning to his original home.

Soft music played, heavenly in its beauty. People conversed quietly around the table, their laughter light and continuous. The entire scene was one of harmony and warmth. He felt himself in a perfect world, devoid of worry and pain, filled only with boundless happiness and peace.

In this radiant paradise, he experienced unparalleled calm and satisfaction. It seemed like the dream haven he had always sought, where his dearest family awaited, sharing in endless joy and contentment.

At that moment, his father suddenly rushed over, shouting, "Run!"

Mowen snapped back to reality, discovering that Red Raven was urgently using a cloth to cover his mouth and nose, pulling him into a slightly clearer corner of the smoke.

Suddenly, a massive figure burst in, unafraid of the poison smoke, even grabbing a hyena-man and shoving it into its maw. The enormous jaws stretched to the ears, capable of tearing through anything.

Seeing this, Mr. Richman was both shocked and furious, spewing more toxic smoke until it almost filled the alley. The remaining hyena-men clustered tightly before him, blocking the alley entirely, afraid to venture too far from their master while also dreading the smoke. Their howls and the scraping of claws against the ground were incessant.

Because of the earlier shouting, Mowen's oxygen was nearly depleted. After a minute, his face turned red as he struggled to hold on, visibly exhausted.

In the dark fog, Mowen felt a huge scaly body shifting less than a meter away, its colossal form brushing the sides of the alley, raising dust and scattering stones, leaving no corner untouched.

Behind them loomed the rolling poison smoke, while before them, the Demon General's sweeping strikes offered no escape but to fly or burrow underground.

Red Raven's eyes were sharp, even in the dense smoke he saw far better than Mowen. Seeing Mowen reach his limit, Red Raven suddenly grinned mischievously and grabbed Mowen's arm. "Brother, there's something I've been curious to try!"

"Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm actually a vampire!"

He opened his blood-red mouth, revealing two pale fangs—not human canines, but vampiric, bat-like teeth—and sank them into Mowen's arm.

Mowen, completely caught off guard by this sudden betrayal, looked on in terror, his arm wracked with pain. He screamed, unable to hold on any longer.

A chilling thought crossed his mind: "This fake monk is a vampire! He's no good either! I've been duped!"