Chapter 182 Press Conference

This time, WY went all out and invited many media institutions, including internet media, traditional media, and television media, and even some international media. After all, Kay Lee has a considerable size of fans in Asnawa and even in the North Federation. Since the game will be released overseas in the future, it's a good chance to start promoting it now!

When Yuri Johnson showed up at the press conference, although all the journalists below perked up, they just straightened their bodies, waiting for the press conference to start. They are still unsure why they are here, though they guess it has something to do with the game. But so many foreign media are invited, which also left them wondering, is it involved with a foreign game company?

However, once these journalists saw Kay Lee following Yuri Johnson, they were all stunned. Then, with a "boom", the atmosphere at the scene immediately exploded!