Chapter 303: Stubborn Huh

Luckily, none of the people here have a simple background. Even though they all initially shows great enthusiasm, after exchanging greetings, everyone keeps to their own conversation with great decorum.

"Do you understand now?" Sarah Wood asked nervously.

Finn Lewis shrugged. To be honest, he initially anticipated the business doing well, but he hadn't foreseen it doing this well. Furthermore, he had assumed the tea shop's success would be due to the benefits of the Cloud Mist tea and the Refreshing tea, which aid the body's internal balance and quickly fortify the immune system's capabilities. The idea is to genuinely exploit the human body's immune system to fight diseases.

However, he hadn't expected that the shop's booming success would actually be largely due to the added benefits of the tea such as weight loss and anti-aging properties. Looking around the hall at all the middle-aged women chatting and laughing at various tables, he couldn't help but reflect.