Chapter 421: They All Have Status

"This is my cousin, Kay Lee. Kay, this is Brother James." After introducing James to everyone, Thunder Davis led him directly to Kay Lee and rapidly introduced him.

"Nice to meet you, Kay. I'm actually a fan. I love your movies and songs." As soon as Thunder Davis finished the introduction, Norton James excitedly spoke up, eagerly extending a hand for a handshake.

Kay Lee hesitated for a moment. Given her long time in the industry, she had met all kinds of people. Despite her young age, she had sharp eyes when it came to men. She had a pretty good idea of what this man wanted, even if she couldn't guess everything right on target.

Unlike the man named Elegant Sky she had just met, James's smile was artificial, and his words were even more so. Kay had a close friend, Sarah Wood, who had told her about these third-generation men, especially those with powerful backgrounds. It was one thing for them to claim liking a song, but claiming to be a fan was just nonsense.