Chapter 460: This Level of Technology

"What objections could I have, you're already in the car" Finn Lewis, sitting in the driver's seat, spoke somewhat speechlessly.

Jack Lewis actually wanted to feel the difference between Finn's car and the one he had given to the middle-aged man. Although Finn said there was no difference, Jack didn't believe him, given Finn's character. He was sure Finn's car performed even better.

"Olivia Thatcher, take us to F Sports Stadium," Finn Lewis commanded.

"Of course, sir. Nice to see you," Olivia replied to Finn first, then greeted Jack Lewis.

"Pleased to meet you, too, Olivia. Are you the main AI of this car?"

"No, the car's main AI is merely one of my manifestations. I am a supercomputer." Olivia replied succinctly. No one knew where Olivia's main body was located, and no one could find fault with her statement.