Chapter 539: Playing Unconventionally

When Jay Sommer arrived in Tebonia, it was morning. After disembarking from the plane, she saw Tebonia's Prince Alfred Alvarid, who had been sent to receive her. "Greetings, Prince Alvarid," Jay Sommer said with a smile.

"Greetings, Miss Sommer," Alfred Alvarid replied with a smile, unable to resist eying her up and down. Jay Sommer was undeniably a top-tier beauty. Although his taste differed slightly from that of the people of Asia, he had to admit that the woman before him was truly captivating.

"Forgive my impromptu visit, Prince Alvarid," Jay said with a smile after they got into the car.

"Not at all. If all visitors were as delightful as Miss Sommer, I would welcome impromptu visits every day." Alfred Alvarid made a playful remark.

"This visit is about reaching a certain agreement with Tebonia," Jay said, still smiling.