Chapter 545 Show Off Some Muscles

"Sir, no matter the reason, please put your hands on your head where we can see them, and then come with us to the station. We will conduct a thorough investigation," the police officer stated directly.

"Sorry, but that's impossible. They initiated the attack. My actions can only be considered as excessive self-defense," Finn Lewis responded squarely.

"Whether it's excessive self-defense can only be determined after an investigation."

"What about when he ordered his bodyguards to cripple me just now? I heard it. And they started it. Many people in this restaurant saw it. You're arresting me but not them; how is that justified?" Finn Lewis pointed at several people on the ground as he spoke.

"Regardless, you need to come with us. I advise you not to resist. I believe you understand your current situation." The police officer was a bit apprehensive, noticing that this young man showed no signs of nervousness despite being aimed at with two pistols and several assault rifles.