Chapter 597: What Kind of People Are These?

"Cough, let me introduce, this is Jasmine Davis, and Jasmine, this is Finn Lewis, a human from Earth, we're here to take him to the Heritage System." Dunn Monty hurriedly introduced after coughing.

"Are you insane? You made me fly halfway across the Heritage System just for a native from a backward planet that's still within the scope of civilization protection?" Jasmine Davis' eyes widened as she glanced at Finn Lewis, then turned to Dunn Monty to ask her question.

"Well, I'll tell you once we're on the ship. If you don't leave now, every minute you stay here increases the risk of being discovered by the monitoring bureau." Dunn Monty responded.

"Damn it! You're relentless!" Jasmine Davis paused for a moment, her face changing colors a few times before finally glaring at Dunn Monty. "Get up there immediately! And remember, no matter who you are, once you're on my ship, you follow my rules. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind throwing you into the cosmos."