Chapter 674: Ready - Part 2

"I understand your highness, rest assured, unless the opponent's fleet is as large as ours, they will not be able to fight against us. Your highness's warship will not suffer any losses." Caleb Shaw confidently said.

"That's good news, you've done well this time. In the future, show more effort in managing your business." Finn Lewis spoke with a smile.

"Thank you for your highness's praise." Caleb Shaw responded respectfully. Seeing his attitude, Finn Lewis felt more relieved. Some respect comes from the heart, which can be easily seen.

"Okay, be ready at all times." Finn Lewis stated frankly.


After the communication ended, Finn Lewis quickly said, "Luna Starfield, prepare to head to the target starfield. Also, calculate their fleet's warp jumps, leaving at least six hours."