Chapter 751: Wanting Everything - Above

"If it leaves the atmosphere, its propulsion system can support traveling a distance greater than 100 million kilometers within 2 hours, with absolute protection and safety for the occupants. Additionally, it is equipped with the latest ion-electromagnetic distortion shield, capable of avoiding most existing radars. Few military radars can detect it. Other optical stealth systems are standard. Besides, it also has six Small High-speed Omnidirectional Proton Cannons." As Nasha introduced, two small proton cannons like submachine guns emerged at the bottom, rear, and sides of the hovercar.

My god! If it hadn't been for Finn Lewis preparing himself someway, he would have been shouting out in astonishment. This flying vehicle, although lightly armed, would be monstrously powerful on Earth. Finn thought it could compete evenly with fully-armed fighter jets. It was only an atmospheric hovercar, and yet, it was astonishingly efficient - overwhelmingly so.