Chapter 781: Who is the idiot - Part 2

If not, how could they teach the other party a lesson? However, for Marlon Murray, Finn Lewis had the complete information from Luna Starfield's investigation. Given Marlon's past, he wouldn't be so foolish, and although he saw all these here, he didn't have any evidence. Even if he spoke out, few people would probably believe him.

Soon, the hovercar arrived at Finn Lewis's villa. Apart from the hill where Finn was located, the other hills had almost all become construction sites. They hadn't yet fully completed, likely to continue for about a month. Although Finn knew he couldn't stay here long, not even a year.

But these are all guarantees of your solid power. If you want returns, you must make sacrifices, and the sacrifices are nothing more than money. With Zero on his side, money had no meaning to Finn.