Chapter 788: Interstellar Pirates

Who could blame them for their lack of experience? However, Mussell Evans, after receiving the news, didn't take it lightly; he gathered all his warships that he could bring. In Mussell's view, these interstellar pirates were seeking their own deaths because within this distance, his warships could completely slaughter them.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Mussell wouldn't prepare at all. If these were some notorious interstellar pirate groups, he might consider it twice, but an unknown interstellar pirate group, with a name that screams mediocrity? It was absurd that these fellows attempted to blackmail a noble family.

Did they not know what death was? Although most noble families didn't want to offend the large-scale interstellar pirates, it does not mean they would fear a few small-time pirates. After all, large-scale interstellar pirate organizations indeed hold a threat.