Chapter 824 Activation (Part 2)_1

The Aitken Family's economy could only be described as average, so there were not many Gene Warriors in the Aitken Family. They had only 20 million active duty Gene Warriors and an additional 30 million sealed and cryogenically preserved, ready to be deployed at any moment. Finn Lewis's target this time were these Gene Warriors.

The minds of these Gene Warriors were filled with injected knowledge, including those who were cryogenically frozen; though their bodies were in a frozen state, their consciousness was active, existing within a virtual mental world similar to the Luna Starfield Network.

Finn Lewis's fleet appeared directly outside Star Harbor after a warp jump. Finn had already acquired all the rights and privileges over the Aitken Family's territories, so everything here belonged to Finn. Luna had long since taken over the base's defense system, and when Finn arrived, an officer promptly came forward to greet him.