Chapter 856 Cloud Spirits 3_1

Finn Lewis looked and saw that the two icons were quite different. The so-called Light Cloud Spirit was a complex pattern composed of a circular design, while the other, the Shadow Cloud Spirit, looked very much like a pattern formed by two swords with a circular base and a pointed top, one being pale gold and the other a dark green.

"Is color also a distinction?" Finn Lewis wondered if the color wasn't something Jasmine Davis had added on.

"Yes," Jasmine Davis nodded decisively, "Cloud Spirits have a network similar to our internet, but the difference is that their network is composed of the mental connections of all their tribespeople. In other words, the thoughts of their tribespeople are all interconnected. They can sense each other at any time, and it is said that when their tribespeople die, all of their souls and knowledge become emotionless storage within this network, which is known as the Light of Elle."