Chapter 914 Counterattack 7_1

Truly explosive, the Federation's energy shields couldn't do this. Although they can block enemy attacks, if you try to attack the enemy from the direction of the shield, it won't work either; you'd be blocked just the same. But this spiritual power shield doesn't have that issue. Finn Lewis was feeling quite envious now; this technology was extremely powerful. Not to mention other uses, just applying it to the protective shields of space warships would greatly advance their technology.

Although similar technology that can block enemy attacks without impeding one's own has already been developed for the defense shields of large warships, it's only applicable to small energy laser cannons and the like. However, the most powerful main cannons of the warships can't do this. They must deactivate the protective shield in front of the main cannon one second before firing, or the terrifying energy of the main cannon could instantly cause the entire shield to collapse.