Chapter 987 A Great Disturbance 9_1

Although it wasn't the destruction of a planet, such a bomb's devastation to a planet was also catastrophic. It would obliterate all life on a planet at once, under such extreme conditions, no form of life that originally inhabited the planet could stop it—all would perish.

And that included humanity.

"As for those spaceports out in space, they're even easier to destroy. Just use the main cannon of a warship," Lucy Watson added.

Everyone involuntarily gasped, looking at Lucy Watson with eyes full of reverence, for her few words decided the fate of hundreds of billions of people! Directly destroying more than a dozen planets, all lives on them would be annihilated, leaving nothing behind.

Roman Rodger looked at the expressionless Lucy Watson standing there, filled with immense admiration. Although her strategic thinking had already made him keenly aware that there were always people better than him, he now couldn't help but admire her absolute calm.