Chapter 80: Planning

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Henry Martin and his party left the village.

Before leaving, Henry Martin firmly shook Peter Brown's hand and said, "Good job, I believe your village will develop quickly."

Warner Richards also firmly shook Peter's hand and said, "Peter, call me when you get to the provincial capital, and we can have a good chat."

Seeing Aunt Collins standing nearby, Peter pulled Edward Martin aside and whispered, "Take care of her when you get to the provincial capital. I plan to open a hotpot restaurant there and use my own medicated recipes."

Hearing Peter's plan, Edward Martin's eyes lit up and he asked, "Can I invest in it?"

"If you want to, go ahead."

Peter didn't really care.

Edward Martin laughed and elbowed Peter, whispering, "Secretary?"

"None of your business!"

Peter glared at him.