Chapter 126: Negotiations Succeed

Peter Brown quickly returned, and everyone watched as he crushed some wild grass on the ground with a stone, turned it into grass mud, and applied it to Emmanuel Reed's leg. He then found several bamboo pieces and tied them with grass ropes before saying, "There you go, you'll be fine in a month. Of course, I can't say for sure if you have a doctor perform surgery or anything like that."

Seeing Peter Brown's apparently haphazard bandaging, everyone sympathized with Emmanuel Reed. That's what happened to the first one who jumped out.

Emmanuel Reed, however, began to feel a cooling sensation on his previously painful leg, as if it had healed.

"Mr. Wang, on behalf of Jalen Carter, I apologize. He owes you 500 million, and I will pay you back right away." At this moment, Javier Carter was determined to improve his relationship with Peter Brown, who was too terrifying.

"Boss Luca, you're joking. It was just a joke at the time. I won't be taking the money."